Drying debate can someone chime in...


Active Member
:joint:I was recently at a friends that had some blue dynamite we cut down from the BC grow box, co2 ect. The stuff smells BOMB when it was growing and he used triflex nutrients with all the trimmings. He used the bc dry box that was bought with the grow box. They were cut and put in to the dry box (for few days not really sure, until the outside started getting little dry) and then went in to jars for curing... After a week in the jars they smelled better but still had that kinda earth smell with out the sweet/skunk smoke... It has been over 2 weeks now and its still not what I expected... It looks good and has a lot of tricombs, the inside next to the stems has a hint of sweet if you break the nugg and inhale hard... Does anyone think that it was the bc dry box that dryed it 2 fast? I have a clone and about 2 weeks away from cutting her down and want to be sure I don't fup months of work...Anyone had experience with this? product website below.


Well-Known Member
IMO you did not dry long enough. I use the BCNL dryers and I usually leave buds in there for 4-6 days depending on how dense they are. After a good dry they go into mason jars in cool dark place and get burped 2 times a day for an hour each time for the first week, then the 2nd week just 1 burp /3 days, then just 1 time per week afterwards.


Active Member
First week after hang -- An hour each day burp x2? I read it was like ten minutes, a few times a day. no wonder all i can smell is earth mostly.. taste is 4 out of 10 on some bomb S*#T must all be in the curing......