Drying curing


Well-Known Member
So I'm flushing right now and I'm getting pepared to dry n then cure. I need sone advice from u experts, I read is good to dry in a cardboard box or paper bags my question is do I need to cut holes in da box if I use a box ? What about brown paper bags? I'm a little confused because I was not aware u need exhaust and intake to dry.
Please help will give rep.


Active Member
I hang mine in a room with exhaust so I can control humidity, I keep my humidity around 60 or 50 and about 70 degrees. I hang for 5 to 7 days, until the stems are still bendy but the buds crispy. Then I put it in mason jars. You can use a cardboard box or paper bags. What I would do with paper bags is punch a hole on both creased sides of the bag and put a wooden spoon through like a dowell and hang my bud on that so I can still close the top of the bag. I wouldn't recoment just throwing it in there though, you can have lold issues and un-even drying. But I am anal retentive, or so I'm told.
Good luck.