Drug testing procedures?


Well-Known Member
Sooo my friend is in some shit and I could be too if he doesn't pass a drug test fairly soon. I was wondering what the people at testing facilities do as far as watching over testees? How could he cheat he can't get clean in time he's pretty big...if he passes or not is kinda the key to freedom or jail. He won't be tested by an officer its just a normal facility.



Well-Known Member
It sounds serious, not like your typical employment drug test. I would go into this assuming they will be watching. The only thing at that point would be a whizzinator, even with that it could prove risky...they are catching on to them. I know the makers of the whizzinator have been federally charged, in October of this year. You can still find them online though:Four Aces Wholesale
Good luck! You may want to look into some detox drinks as well...I don't trust those things at all though.


Well-Known Member
4-5 hours before the test drink water constantly until your piss is clear. Then drink green tea to add color to your piss. When you do piss in the cup pee in to the toilet first for a few seconds then pee into the cup until it hit the minimum amount. then finish peeing the rest into the toilet. wolah clean test.

pOt SMokIN PaWluK

Active Member
my cousin did this he had me pee in this cup before he went and he put in in this little plastic bag and atatched a tube to it then taped it to his inner thigh so it would be warm, this part is gross but he elmers glued the tube to the bottem of his you know what and i guess it looked like he was going pee and he passed. im not sure how he got the pee to stay there without it leaking out the tube before the test.

Zimmy Budz

Active Member
yep. its all about warm synthetic piss = Quick Fix

So simple just strap the tube to ya somewhere - its thin. haha

and its quiet squeeze bottle so they cant tell. worked great

hope this helps



Well-Known Member
my cousin did this he had me pee in this cup before he went and he put in in this little plastic bag and atatched a tube to it then taped it to his inner thigh so it would be warm, this part is gross but he elmers glued the tube to the bottem of his you know what and i guess it looked like he was going pee and he passed. im not sure how he got the pee to stay there without it leaking out the tube before the test.
yep. its all about warm synthetic piss = Quick Fix

So simple just strap the tube to ya somewhere - its thin. haha

and its quiet squeeze bottle so they cant tell. worked great

hope this helps

You guys are talking about having an IV Drip Bag with the tubing going to the underside of a penis. That is a really good idea. It would work and it would be a lot better than having a fake dick someone could notice if he is watched...Great idea.


Well-Known Member
well mine is proven to work from experience and experience from others.. and it doesn't involve a fake dick or someone elses piss....

Zimmy Budz

Active Member
hahaha. no thats not at all what i meant. just a bottle they give you in the kit. correct if they are watching you it wont work but as long as they dont go in the bathroom with you your fine.

IV bag?? fake dick?
lol wow sounds complicated

happy tokin