Drug Test


Well-Known Member
Ok ive just taken on another job and their policy on drug testing is only if you get injured.. My sister is the secretary and this on the job foreman (not the boss)told her "I know your brother smokes and im going to make sure he gets tested" My question..Is that legal and remeber no randoms and start out test only if you get hurt.. their test is saliva right in the front office..any way to beat it?


Well-Known Member
can you refuse and still get the job? probably not, but figured I'd ask. I don't know how to beat drug tests, i will never agree to take one. sorry to hear your in that predicament.


Well-Known Member
Beat the shit outta the guy who made the comment
Get some dirt on him and hold it over his head .
Fuck his wife and take pictures and post them on craigslist
get a crackhead chic to suck him off and get pics and show his wife


Well-Known Member
All very good ideas!!! and if karma wasnt such a bitch i probably would do all of it accept talk to the crack hoes.They scare the hell out of me all that twichin and no teeth scary stuff man..


Well-Known Member
Well the day went off with out a hitch.. No drug test and the prick who was trying to get me tested is pissed...So I will spend the rest of my time there makeing sure he is pissed every day...hahahahahahaha