Drug Test Help

Okay so I am drug tested randomly and need to pass and catn afford a good detox and don't know when its gonna happen.

I did hear that putting stuff in your urine cup like salt or vinegar will give a negative result. im only taking home tests, not in a lab

has anyone done this?
did it work?
whated you use?


parents are doin it
Do NOT put faith in an "oxidizing adulterant like bleach or hydrogen peroxide". This is an old wive's tale with no basis in scientific fact. It probably won't matter much on the type of piss test your parents are going to give you, but in a higher end test you will be discovered and the consequences of tampering with a sample are usually worse than a positive result. It's easier to argue a false positive than to explain away a tampered sample.

I know you said that you can't afford a good detox, so you're going to be very limited in your options. THC is stored in your body's fat cells. A thin person might be able to drink a few gallons of water, do some aerobics, and pass a piss test in only a matter of days. If you're a little heavy, though, it becomes much more complicated. I've actually abstained from smoking for 60 days and still failed a piss test.

So there's your first option....abstain from smoking (just for a lil while), start drinking lots of water, burning off any new fat. Some people believe that "adding a new layer of fat" on top of the old layer of THC-infused fat will temporarily mask THC levels, but I've never put much faith in that.

The next best option would be to keep a clean sample handy. I've been through enough BS now to know that it ALWAYS pays to have a clean sample within arm's reach. Who wants to be walking around with someone's piss in their pocket, though, right? So what I've been doing for years is ordering powdered urine from some well-known web sites. If you decide to go that route, when you order the urine kit, you'll usually receive a 100cc "specimen bottle", as well as a tiny vial of super-concentrated powdered urine. Keep the specimen bottle filled with water at all times, carry it on you. Keep the small vial of powdered urine somewhere else handy...they're usually small enough to fit into the "change pocket" on a pair of jeans.

Unless someone's going to stand over you and watch you piss into a cup, the powdered urine kit is foolproof.

Apart from that, though, you're in a tough spot. We all love our favorite medicine, but there are still some circumstances where the only option is abstinence. Don't worry, though, once the smoke has cleared...weed will still be here ;)

Good luck

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
old wives tale, huh? lol says who, you?

it aint an old wives tale. it is fact. sure, the tests they do at the clinics and what not check for adulterants, but he is getting tests administered by his parents! if dude wanted to, he could even dilute with water or even go as far as using water alone for the tests he is doing. I'm sure the tests he is getting does not check for adulterants. it's either a positive or negative.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
and fact of the matter is, he can't afford to get "powdered urine kit" or anything of that sort. he has allready stated this.

do the hydrogen peroxide or bleach. what do you have to lose? either piss dirty or try to use the peroxide or bleach which I'm sure you have laying around the house and see if it's an old wives tale. at this point, you have nothing to lose. post back with your results from the test.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who got tested suddenly at work....used Mountain Dew.....passed the test....
Most around here, even the guy mentioned above, have the strap-on pouches and "dispenser" on whenever they notice randoms are happening...


old wives tale, huh? lol says who, you?

it aint an old wives tale. it is fact. sure, the tests they do at the clinics and what not check for adulterants, but he is getting tests administered by his parents! if dude wanted to, he could even dilute with water or even go as far as using water alone for the tests he is doing. I'm sure the tests he is getting does not check for adulterants. it's either a positive or negative.
Hey, to each their own. I won't ask you to provide any evidence to back up your claims, although I'm quite confident it doesn't exist.

Any evidence you could provide would be anecdotal, as would mine, so it's sort of a zero-sum gain.

I just don't like to spread information which I haven't verified, and anyone I know who has ever tried to spike or dillute their sample has always come riding home on a big fail boat. If you don't mind leading someone to a solution which might have those consequences, who am I to stop you.

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
If you have the option to piss in private use the synthetic urine. You can even heat it up if the test your parents have provided has a temperature indicator. Last time I used it for a drug test it was like $50 or so.
hey guys thanks for all the tips, but i could not afford the synthesized urine and wont be able to send it to the house my parents are at lol

and i am very skinny, (5"7, 130 lbs.) but i do not when i am getting the test so cant drink a gallon before or workout before either

and with the adulterant i have a question, will the hydrogen peroxide or the bleach make my piss not look like piss? like changed color, or make it somehow obvious?

will def report back when the test is taken, probably around in 2 weeks or so, once again, thanks!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
go with the hydrogen peroxide. the bleach has a distinct smell to it. and put a capful or so, nothing more. anything more will be obvious.

looking forward to see your results:bigjoint: