Drug sniffing dogs & hermetically sealed drugs


Active Member
Hypothetical situation:

Your going on a trip, and you want to smoke some weed on said trip, but you don't trust buying from locals. You have a small amount of weed for personal use at home, but you will be going through customs and fear drug sniffing dogs...

Couldn't you hermetically seal you weed, and keep it on you and get through customs without dogs being able to smell it as because it is in an airtight package?

Example of a hermetically sealed food package:

Example of a hermetic sealer:

No, but really, it is hypothetical.


Well-Known Member
'If' its 'completely' sealed in a non permeable container, an sterilized on the exterior, and not handled by a smoker thereafter then you're right, it would get past dogs.. That food gizmo is a joke though right?? I'd only trust welded stainless steel, or ampouled glass because they're impermeable to cannabinoids, don't scratch easily, and can stand up to harsh cleaners..
And that still leaves you standing there looking like a trafficking fool if a human finds it..