Droopy Twisted leave Pics INside


Active Member
6 Sour diesel clones
ph= 5.7
ppm= 160 (not r/0 water)water read ppm-50 before adding nutrients
Rh= L 15% H 40%
temps= 74-80lights on, 70-75 lights off
Nutrients- Flora nova, 1 part, Grow and Bloom
Here Are some Pictures,
I have had them for 4 days , I made a newb mistake by keeping the res. water an 1inch above the net pot, Changed It too about an inch below the netpot,

Question is
Why are The leaves Twisting, the Only Think I can Think Of is that The ppm Is too low,,
Because i am not using r/o water so Before I add Nutrients I checked the ppm of the water and it was 50, so the ppm Is only 100,
