droopy leaves


Active Member
Noticed just a while ago my leaves are drooping on most my plants, I watered yesterday with my ph in the mid 6's and they're in the 5th week of flowereing . I know some of you are going to want pictures but they are in their dark cycle so the best I can do is the morning. Anyone have any ideas even without pics?


Active Member
No nutes yesterday, usually every 3 water I feed and only between 5-7 ml as that is a little over quarter strength. Water about every 3 days depending on what they look like and how the soil feels, usually wait for the leaves to droop a little and soil to be a little arid. THats why I'm kind of confused about why they're drooping after just getting watered yesterday unless bc they are growing pretty rapidly they are needing more water.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I got fooled thinking my plants were drooping because of a lack of water, but in fact was over.....not saying this is your situation, but just saying it's easy to be over watering.

maybe the next time you water, give it a light watering instead of a full drip thru


Active Member
Alright I'll give that a try I thought about freaking out and watering again tonight but Iguess I'm glad I didn't. I'll see how they look in the morning and go from there maybe try to post some pics too.


Well-Known Member
Do NOT water tonight. Pick up the container tomorrow and see if it is light (drier) or heavy (wetter). Then wait until your lights have been on a while tomorrow. If droop is noticeable and the container is light THEN water. Overwatering is the #1 cause of death in plants cared for by man.


Active Member
Crisis averted, thanks harley, let them sit for a while in the light this morning and they were LIGHT so I went ahead and watered; within a couple hours they were all perky and happy again! Thanks for the input all