Droopy leaves?!?!!??!


Well-Known Member
If you are watering every day you simply are not using enough or supplying enough water to the plant. It also will have a negative effect on the roots. They simply will stay at the surface instead of going down deep and filling the container.


Well-Known Member
If you are watering every day you simply are not using enough or supplying enough water to the plant. It also will have a negative effect on the roots. They simply will stay at the surface instead of going down deep and filling the container.
is the container full of soil to top,,, let the water drain.it will start using less. i believe your jus addin a a cup or somethin ata time..you may want to buy a marijuana handbook for indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought. I was just looking for clarification.
lol.sorry bro , i wasnt replyin to you.. i must of clicked reply instead.. i bot two wen i first started.. read them twice and still use them for reference or varification.Ed Rosenthals Closet Crop, and the indoor grow guide.. i'll tell you qick 98% of wat i know came from those two books 9 yrs ago.That guys a genious . large ass yields everytime.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say those are dead bigboy. They do definitely look flooded and in desperate need of a drying out.


Active Member
someone else told me to put more water, but that didn't work. I'll leave the light on for 12 hrs and give u the report.


Active Member
Oh, and on one of them the first "fake" leaves are turning yellowish. Don't know if this will help figure out what's wrong.


Active Member
I let them dry out and nothing really happen. I added distillted water and they perk up a bit. The leaves have brownish spots on the tips. Is this nute burn? waht does nute burn look like?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
NOOOO look at them!

I water her everyday! Should I water her again or what? I dipped my finger in the soil and it was really dry.
if the soil is dry you need to water. water till you ret a good runout at least 25% runout. you should have to water every day.good luck. the soil does look realy dry.