droopy drawers...


Well-Known Member
Does anybody else get this much droop before light out?

I have never seen it this bad. I know they must be okay because the perk right up next lights on but geezuz.....

And it happens way early...after about 15 hours of light. So i cut back to 16 from 18....



Well-Known Member
Mine are doing the same..... I've not read it explained before. I wonder if the plant has just had its max DLI for the day and says fuck you. Or knows the schedule....but that sounds crazy.

Good question...is like an explanation too. I never had it with 450nm blue only light.


Well-Known Member
A long while ago i read that it has to do with transpiration. As the light beats down and the plant takes up moisture from the pot/ground, sucking up co2 and expelling o2, lift is created ... the stems/leaves fill with moisture and get more firm while the gas exchange gives lift....

If i remember correctly, that is...

But so much droop...it looks scary...like death...lol

Do yours droop that much, like those two of mine?

Anyway, that suggests that the plants are done with transpiration for the day...its let go of the moisture...back into the pot....

I imagine that is genetics...programmed for only so much light. I usually go 16/8 anyway for veg and 10/14 for flower...

But still...never seen so much droop...


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... I've noticed mine droop the most closest to watering days. So that goes along with what you say!!!

I'm using co2.