Drooping plant crispy leaf's


Well-Known Member
Any idea what might be wrong they are in flowering now.
My temps stay around 22 at night 26 in the day I have a big space heater in there because its winter and they are in my garage.
It started about 3 days ago they bounced back 1 day then went wilting again and havent recovered back.
I thought they were super dry so I added ph 6.5 r.o water right now they are still wet.
They were usually drinking dry every 2 days
Now it's been 3 days of wet



Well-Known Member
several possibilities,
dark green crispy leaves, too much N
need for iron or M
dry heat, low humidity
over watering


Well-Known Member
Also don't overwater and don't water with straight RO, thats bad, add some epsom salt or cal mag.


Well-Known Member
I might try some tap water and epsom salt any idea how much I could mix in there? Still seems weird there crusty like leather the leafs and 7.0 ph good for soil?


Well-Known Member
just a little, you just want like 50 - 60 PPM of something so the water doesn't strip ions from the roots (or some technical shit like that lol.)


Well-Known Member
My guess is overwatering, if it was Nitrogen toxicity they would be clawing more etc

Let it dry out and give it a nice drink you'll see how it bounces back even more!! Keep ph in range


Well-Known Member
They are looking like they coming back a bit. Still havent watered but they seem dry as fakk. I noticed my humidifier has been empty and keeping that topped up. Could that be the reason?
I usually never have a problem over watering they are super light right now and dry

