drooping leaves....HELP PLEASE


I have a Kriptonite clone and after i transplanted it to a smart pot with coco coir it drooped a bit. then after a night(6hrs) they perked up. i have then under a 1000hsp. they are not directly under the light but in the same room as the light. I am slowly introducing them to the light. now i see them drooping again.:sad: What could be causing this? Is this normal? Can anyone help?


Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Very dry medium

Give her some water homes!

You are prob to the point now where you should be giving a light qty of water every day, or a medium qty every other day. Try both, switch off, see how she reacts, and plan your feed/water schedule accordingly.


yeah under a 1000 w hps you better be keen on the water to keep your lady hydrated.

if i remember right the general rule is that if the tips of the leaves are bending downward, the plant is over nourished and is on the edge of chemical burn. where as if they start bending upward they're beginning to dry up due to under nourishment. can anyone back me up or correct me if i'm wrong on this? i can't remember enough to be 100% certain. i might have it backwards, but i'm about 80% sure. i only burn it when it's in the bowl or rolled up now :-o

but anyway yeah that looks like a pretty dry plant. how hot is it in the room? humidity?


Thanks to all that replied! i took the plant out of the room for a day then moved it back. Now it is fine. The medium(coco) wasnt dry. i had a thirsty meter and was also checking it manually. It now has new growth and seems to be reachinch for the light. I was pretty worried for a bit. All is well. Thanks again to all you guys for your help!