drooping leaves at the end of the day

i run a 1000 watt metal halide, about 18-24 inches away from my girls. they are on 18/6 light cycle. at the end of the day, one of my babies is drooping pretty bad.it is also the shortest by far that i have?? any ideas??


Well-Known Member
Its one of the shortest? Does it also have the fattest leaves? If so, it's an indica with lots of foliage to feed. It will need a bit more water than the others despite its height. Are the leaves sorta dry and curling inward? Soil dry too?
My second guess is a the drooping results from a temp drop/ humidity spike. GL!
temp stays between 75-80. constant. no pics yet, i am new to this, lol. but i water once every 2 days, 3 hours into the day, and mist daily.. no nutes... no funds yet.... but they are coming.


Well-Known Member
Hope your raising your light when you mist.. Whats the temps at the tops of the plants? Is it an air cooled hood?


Well-Known Member
temp stays between 75-80. constant. no pics yet, i am new to this, lol. but i water once every 2 days, 3 hours into the day, and mist daily.. no nutes... no funds yet.... but they are coming.
If they are more than a couple inches tall, you can stop misting.
If you're not paying attention you may burn the leaves with water spots.
Also, bad habit to get into, you won't want to mist when you're flowering. (increased chance of bud rot.)


Well-Known Member
never above 82.. lift my light?? no reflector, or hood. its a closet grow. but i have lots of ventilation.
The light can magnify through the water droplets, same as on a car after you wash it in the hot sun.
That's why newer waxes don't brag anymore about the water 'beading up', but they say the water 'sheens off'.