Drooping and yellow (pic)??


Well-Known Member
What's up RIU, I have 6 plants outside, one of them looks bad it is 90% yellow and drooping, last time I saw them( sun) it didn't look like this.. Any help?? Thanks!!



Well-Known Member
Well Sunday it wasn't like that but today, well you see.. And it's in the ground and it's been raining crazy the last 2 days.. So ya pretty wet.. The rest look pretty good..


Well-Known Member
give them some nutes, since the ground is soo wet give them like half gallon water with nutes. Might now do shit, but worth a try at this point

Po boy

Well-Known Member
was it looking like that before it started raining? looks as if it may have been too dry before the rain. if it recovers give it some nutes high in nitrogen. GL


Well-Known Member
was it looking like that before it started raining? looks as if it may have been too dry before the rain. if it recovers give it some nutes high in nitrogen. GL
No it was green and tall.. I live in Florida.. Lots of afternoon rain..


Well-Known Member
Are the roots getting enough drainage? looks like no air to the roots..

worse comes to worse poke few holes around the perimeter


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.. Well if it dies then maybe I'll learn something from it as this is first grow indoors and out.. I only put some outside cuz I could..


Active Member
I'm indoor only, but I have tomatoes outside. The ones I planted in the native soil are yellowing, small, unhealthy looking, and have little to no fruit. The ones that I put in raised beds that were a mixture of promix, miracle grow, and native soil are looking really nice and have a bunch of fruit.

The raised beds, in addition to having better soil, have a lot better drainage.

The plant looks overwatered and nutrient deprived. Whether the deprivation is from not having the nutrients or from a lockout is hard to say.

Build a little bed and transplant it, that sized plant in the Florida sun is worth the effort. Flush it and get it on the same schedule as your indoor...and give it as much attention...