Drip system question for grow room


Well-Known Member
ok well i am considering getting a drip system so i dont have to worry about watering my plants.... just wanted someones opinion on these systems on this site i found


i like the oasis cuz its got a water resevor. which i think is better because the other systems it seems like water will always be running through the hose/faucet (not neccessarily dripping water on plants, just running water through system) makeing the water bill higher.. opinions on these systems and if i should get one or just water by hand 2-3 times a week???


Active Member
:blsmoke:Not to be critical, but that looks like QVC stuff that will break in 5 minutes. Checkout Waterfarm or other respectable brands that are supplying quality gear to the marketplace. Others can provide links as well, but just google drip systems, or hydroponics and look for something a little more mainstream. Or give this site a look. www.thebigtomato.com Keep it simple. ....for now.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
cool thanks.. yea i googled it and thats about all i found that was cheap... i dont want to spend too much on the system seeing im gonna buy an hps/mh lighting system and seeds and soil. the whole 9 yards. you already know.. thanks for the link though


Well-Known Member
rubbermaid tub, sub pump on cycle timer, 1/2" host leading to ur plants, tapped with drippers connected to 1/4" tube whips and stakes, and a plug in the end of 1/2 line. 60 bucks tops


Active Member
I recommend watering by hand. this entire problem of overwatering is so easily fixed wit a $10 meter at wal-mart or any other store like that

this is what Im talking about


dont slam it through the rootball when you test, I like to test by going through the drainage holes on the pots