Double Stack Rubbermaid Design (PICS Included)


Active Member
Alright guys, well I have been look at this site for a couple of years now. I have decided to finally start up my own grow. I will not be building it for a couple of weeks at least but I thought I would start out by posting the designs and information that I have come up with so far. It’s a lot of stuff, so bare with me for a little bit. I will start by posting a list of supplies that I believe complete this project. I will be looking for quite a bit of help with this as I am putting a lot of time and effort into it:

·2x 37 Gallon High Top Tote (32 2/5” x 20 2/5” x 18 3/5”)
·3 Phillips Power Strips
·6x 600W/125V Adapters
·1 x Twin Lite Socket Adapter
·1x Webcam (Old One I used to use)
·1x NZXT Sentry – 2 5.25” Touch Screen Fan Controller
·4-8 (Not sure yet) EcoSmart 27 Watt Daylight Bulbs
·4 medium sized 1 gallon plastic buckets
·4 Computer PC Fans
·2 DIY Carbon Filters (attached to Fans)
·PPM Meter
·PH Stick
·Uncle Ben's
·Paint (Krylon Fusion - Flat White Spray Paint for inside Rubbermaids) You can also use Rustoleum (Thanks yone187)

I hope you don’t think I am ripping off other people. I have not made mine yet and I would like to put a complete design work up right now. This is really more for other people as I have been trying to figure out the perfect set up for over 3 months now. I am still no where close to getting my actual plan down once I have the stuff built up. Anyways here are some of the pics of how Ill be doing this:

Here are the Rubbermaids that I will be using. They are 37 Gallons each.

You can find these exact Tubs at Home Depot right now for: $14.97

Here are some more pics of supplies that I will be using throughout the project:

Here is a bulb Comparison Chart that you can use when trying to figure out which kind of bulb you need. I always stick with Daylight but I do AutoFlowering, so I dont know what everyone else is going to be using. just thought this was pretty cool:

When creating the perfect environment for your plants, you want to keep it as cool as you can with all the heat coming from the lights. A lot of people live and die by mylar and/or aluminum foil. Well, I can tell you that with failed experiments in the past I can tell you that Foil can cause Burns and Painting is so much easier and permanent. You want to paint it a flat white. Here are some pics of what I am talking about. These are not my pics but ones that I have found on the internet:

While this person obviously used regular paint, I might choose to use Spray paint myself because its easier. Krylon is good because its great with Plastic. I will be posting future pics and information as I figure out more about this with my own project, but this is what I have for now. I appreciate any feedback people can give me and/or stuff you could change to make better to the design.


invest in a couple of cans of rustoleum that shit wont chip ever. its only about a dollar more then krylon but its 3248796328732 times better!


Active Member
invest in a couple of cans of rustoleum that shit wont chip ever. its only about a dollar more then krylon but its 3248796328732 times better!

Thanks man, I updated the post. I appreciate the feedback. I was looking at that also earlier, just didnt know which would work best. I am getting pretty excited about it. A little over two weeks before I go out and buy all the stuff for it. I am hoping to finish the set up in 3 days. Right now I am trying to figure out an Autofeed/Autolight system out for if I have to leave for a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
looks like a nice setup. I'm doing a single rubbermaid grow right now. Will definately subscribe. What's the web cam for? I also heard that its hard to use carbon filters with pc fans because they don't push that much air. If you're looking for pc fans you can get two of these 120 mm fans for under 12 bucks shipped. 88cfm. How do you connect the two boxes together. I would really like to try that because I am limited on hight cause I only use 1 36 gallon rubbermaid.


Well-Known Member
It would be better having the ability to raise and lower all lights.

Is there a reason you're using Rubbermaid containers?

I'd completely suggest building your own box.

Those two rubbermaid containers are $15 each, that's $30 just to go cutting a hole in the bottom of one.

You could easily buy enough wood to create a box that size for less than that, It'd be slightly larger and more sturdy too. :)