Double branch on one


Well-Known Member
I have both my bottom branches growing double branches as one, what is this and should I remove them? I've read it might be polyploidism, whorled phylotaxy... I have no idea and not sure if it'll come back even if I cut these two off and keep veging longer. Some threads said the buds will be worse than normal ones if I leave it but I'm looking for confirmation.


go go kid

Well-Known Member
i had a pollyploid northan lights years ago, it flowered in to one big bud that covered most of the plant, it was lovely. so keep it and see how it go's, try and take a cutting from it, you may wish to grow it again. you never know it could be a huge but producer or just a nice plant to grow out and apreciate.


Well-Known Member
That is called fasciation. It’s when the stem tries to divide but then doesn’t so it’s flattened oval shape, two stems fused into one. sometimes the top bud will be linear and mostly woody. In the past i grew them out as a curiosity but in the future I’ll prune them. Here are a couple of examples I had.

