double boil e liquid n keif


Well-Known Member
ima doing a little experiment ive got a 12 ml bottle of e liquid from a local store. and because its pg and vg i had the idea to put the liquid into an empty salt shaker and drop about a gram of keif into it and lett it double boil . then after 3 hours of that, straining it and loading up my cleromizer tank e cig with it .... ill post a report once its done.... has anyone ever tried this?


Active Member
Yeah, it works. You will be left with suspended plant particles (impossible to strain VG/PG with home coffee filters etc bc viscosity is too high) because the hash is not pure lipids, and they will burn, but ecigs coils burn anyway, so it shouldnt matter much.


Well-Known Member
it worked .. n i got most of the particles out by useing not a reg coffee filer but the ones that are kind of like screens


Active Member
Kudos! What size mesh did you use/where did you source it? Plenty would like to know - including myself! I've tried the gold coffee filter meshes, but they were too fine...


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even know man lol it came with my coffee maker never used it so i thought hey cut the screen out of it. its a finer screen then whats on my grinder... i just put 12 ml of e juice into a glass salt shaker and droped about a gram and a half of keif along with a little bit of nuggy in it and let it double boil for 3.5 hours with the water temp at a steady 160 swishing it around ever half hour ...... strained it let it cool n filled up my vivi nova wicking tank