DopeWears Outdoor Late Start...


Well-Known Member
Day 47 / June 5 / 2009 - Sprouts

first 3 pics are the kush clones looked great actually! im surprised how well they are doing! the rest of the kids are getting huge the biggest plant is 4' tall so im pretty stoked. i also used a spray on the kids to kill spider mites and shit im pretty sure a fucken deer was eating my plants because there was a good size animal trail coming to my grow from a diffrent direction. so i may put up a fense of sorts:D enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
Hey DW, nice to hear from you again. Things are looking very nice. How far along are you? Have you tried peeing around your plants. I've read that in various threads. Works some of the time. Anyways. Things look really good man. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey DW, nice to hear from you again. Things are looking very nice. How far along are you? Have you tried peeing around your plants. I've read that in various threads. Works some of the time. Anyways. Things look really good man. Keep it up.
hey bud thanks for the comment but how far along you mean if thats what you mean im 47ish days into veg. and next time im down there ill try piss everywhere i was also considering putting up a fence...


Well-Known Member
Hey Dope.

Why do you have a gorilla grow happen'n but your ladies are still in pots?
That shit sticks out like dog balls.
Get 'em in the ground bro.
Also... do they get full sun?
They're kinda lanky.
I don't mind that when stealth is a factor but...
I'd see those puppies a mile away with their black bottoms.
Space 'em out too.

and get rid of the plastic ;)

nuff said.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comment v. really appreciated now if i could figure out how to grow some indoor beauties


Hey DW! Shitty to hear about your bleech accident, that plant cruelty. As for your seeds, I strongly suggest "Superthrive". You can pick it up at your local hydroponics shops. It's vitamins and hormones for your plant, Gives em a nice boost and lessen's your chances of your plants dying, just makes them healthy, similar to humans. I myself am doing my first grow this year, but luckily and blessed to have the internet and a close friend who's got years of experience and is a green thumb. As for your plants, keep them by the window cile right away, thats what i did, it not only gives them some light, but it climatises them faster. I reccomend starting right out in a dixie cup with slits for aeration. I've also found growing is a personal preference depending on the climate and where you live. Be careful of the rodents is all i gotta say, and slugs are a fuckin pest. Anyways best of luck this season and those to come.



Well-Known Member
Hey DW! Shitty to hear about your bleech accident, that plant cruelty. As for your seeds, I strongly suggest "Superthrive". You can pick it up at your local hydroponics shops. It's vitamins and hormones for your plant, Gives em a nice boost and lessen's your chances of your plants dying, just makes them healthy, similar to humans. I myself am doing my first grow this year, but luckily and blessed to have the internet and a close friend who's got years of experience and is a green thumb. As for your plants, keep them by the window cile right away, thats what i did, it not only gives them some light, but it climatises them faster. I reccomend starting right out in a dixie cup with slits for aeration. I've also found growing is a personal preference depending on the climate and where you live. Be careful of the rodents is all i gotta say, and slugs are a fuckin pest. Anyways best of luck this season and those to come.

read the whole thread.. plants are the in the ground and looking beautiful by the way!!

keep up the good work D-Dub!!

check out my outdoor grow in the signature bro.. could use the advisement of an outdoor grower. (i'm also a bit of a proxy, its actually my brother's grow i'm merely journaling it, and advising him)



Well-Known Member
thanks for the comment shack yah shep im way ahead of you friend but they are not in ground they are in pots i preffer it that way so i can work with the sun. but yah things are going very welll gave them bloom notes at the last photoshoot they loved it. and shack ill check your grow now cheers boys


Well-Known Member
yo i've got up to 5 seedlings in one pot and i too started late. i'll finish flowering indoors if i have to, good luck with your grass!


Well-Known Member
somebody rep'd me for your pics.. for the record whoever that was, ALL credit is due to dopewear!

i merely bumped the pics from the previous page.
