Don't You Obama Lovers Get it? Obama is a murder and wants you dead


Well-Known Member
I think we should start cleaning house by executing all republican members of congress and the senate. then charge their families for the bullets and the gas used to burn their bodies. Thats my opinion.


New Member
Fucking christ, you guys gotta bring the stupid conspiracy theories in here, no offense, but lets get real for a minute....

Obama wants you dead because he thinks your a fucking criminal for growing weed and that you should be raided and put in jail or killed? simple enough? I can go on but lets just leave it at that for now..


Well-Known Member
Fucking christ, you guys gotta bring the stupid conspiracy theories in here,

Obama wants you dead for growing weed
In that case I disagree. If taken literally then I don't believe it. You think he thinks weed is so bad people who grow it deserve to die as punishment for growing? thats crazy.


New Member
You know who will the next "Lone Wolf Terrorist" right? Can someone define "lone wolf terrorist" for me? is that someone who disagrees with the king? It will be us the weed growers among the murdered, END THE PATRIOT ACT, END THE DRUG WAR, END THE WARS, END THE FAKE TERRORIST FEAR CAMPAIGN, RESTORE AMERICA, FUCK OBUMMER

They are torturing and killing Americans without trial, wtf is right about that, and who should they torture next, you disagree by growing weed you violate the dear leaders wishes and could one day be snuffed out for treason according to obama law you could be tortured at gitmo for growing weed.


Well-Known Member
Well then why is he killing people and ruining peoples lives over weed?

You know who will the next "Lone Wolf Terrorist" right? Can someone define "lone wolf terrorist" for me? is that someone who disagrees with the king? It will be us the weed growers among the murdered, END THE PATRIOT ACT, END THE DRUG WAR, END THE WARS, END THE FAKE TERRORIST FEAR CAMPAIGN, RESTORE AMERICA, FUCK OBUMMER

They are torturing and killing Americans without trial, wtf is right about that, and who should they torture next, you disagree by growing weed you violate the dear leaders wishes and could one day be snuffed out for treason according to obama law you could be tortured at gitmo for growing weed.
It's not over weed, that's just a convienient reason
your next post hit on the real issue, yes they kill people for weed or even because they might have weed- Jose Gerrerero
But it's not because he's against weed, it's because minority groups make easy targets. It used to be jews or indians or blacks it's just a way to divide and conqure
This is also why the dem and repub both suck, their both the same working on the same agenda, the fighting is a distraction


New Member
yes, well I am using weed as an example because its something we all do here, but your right, essentially he doesn't care if your dead or alive and anyone who disobeys the dear leader is guilty of treason and should be imprisoned, tortured, or killed. Weed is one of those treasonous acts in his eyes, he is ramping up more marijuana raids then bush.

The war on terrorism and obamas attack on an undefined "LoneWolf Terrorist" reminds me of the gd holocaust...


Well-Known Member
yes, well I am using weed as an example because its something we all do here, but your right, essentially he doesn't care if your dead or alive and anyone who disobeys the dear leader is guilty of treason and should be imprisoned, tortured, or killed. Weed is one of those treasonous acts in his eyes, he is ramping up more marijuana raids then bush.
Their coming for the old people the fat people, the sick people, the poor and the wealthy and the christians and muslims too


New Member