Dogwood recovery time


Well-Known Member
It's been brought to my attention that there's a dogwood sapling owned by a relative and it seems to not be doing so hot. In my quest for learning more.. I've adopted it as a side project. Tree is completely jacked, 2 leaves on it total, good amount of root rot. Did a soil test, and pH was sitting at almost 8. Junked the compacted/reused mix that the sapling was in and have opted to go perlite/sandy loam/ground up pine bark to try to get the pH near the 5.5-5.8 range so the Dogwood has a chance of survival. Updates will follow if it survives, and will take pics of any progress too :D



Well-Known Member
At this point.. it's on its last roots - it doesn't look anywhere near hopeful but is in optimal soil, light, and manual water conditions that are pH'd slightly to compliment the pine bark... but am waiting patiently to see what will result :D