Dog eats potent weed cookie.


Well-Known Member
haha i thought that was pretty funny to watch. while the dog doest seem to be hurt by being picked up, just think of how you would feel. baked out of your mind and your just trying to sit there and this bitch keeps picking you up by the scruff of your neck


Active Member
Yeah that was pretty funny, but that girl should have just let the dog chill instead of fucking with it. Not that she hurt it, just that he was trying to relax high off his ass haha. Too bad to hear about the dog accidently killing itself though.. Kinda killed the funny mood.


Our dog once snatched a cannacookie my wife was eating. My wife was really freaked cause the dog barfed then could not hold its piss. We have always been extra careful since.


I dont know.. I feel kinda sorry for the dog. and I bet giving her brownies wasn't "accidental". Stupid people shouldn't be pet owners :neutral:


Wow your mama should have swallowed thats for sure!! I was hoping the ending would show that girls throat getting ripped out by the dog, then I might have chuckled. By the way you guys were fucking with the poor dog chances are you GAVE it a cookie to get him fucked up. What are you 15?!?! Keep better watch of your shit you fucking dolt.