Does Weed Stink?


Active Member
when i grow my weed (in my room) will it stink it up bad? im only growing one plant at a time if its male ill regrow it i have all the time in the world.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple that I put outside after the flowering cycle started. They stunk from about 3 weeks of age on. They arent even fully flowering and they stink like crazy.... not that it is a bad thing; it is a beautiful smell!!!!!!!! I think they are 3.5 months old now.


Well-Known Member
Look around online at the seed banks and find strains that are touted as having low odour:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have 1 plant in my bathroom in the basement out in the open and it makes my whole house including upstairs smell like skunk bud but no it doesnt stink it smells like heaven


Active Member
the hotter it is in your room the stinkier, more water will be shed from the plants through the leaves to cool itself. also the drier the room the stinkier, same reason. Some strains like white widow have very low odor yet very potent. Skunk and grandaddy purp stink like b.o. not good for clandestine ops.


Well-Known Member
They'll smell, but not necessarily that much. Top44 is a good strain that packs a punch but is low odour; the smell couldn't be detected outside the grow room, and they usually don't smell until they get larger or are in flowering mode. It depends on the environment and the genetics of the plant. Some plants stunk, while others remained virtually odorless their entire lifespan. All of them got me very stoned.

And the previous poster was right. High heat and/or high humidity seems to increase the stink.
