Does This Sound Like Cops? Opinion


Well-Known Member
people will take anything,but now you have learned with only loseing 1 plant,so your ready to make better decisions next time,good luck and keep growing.


Well-Known Member
Don't be an ass. Stop growing on private property.
Best case scenario: Landowners destroyed your plant.
Worse: They called the po-po who took everything and set up a motion detecting wildlife camera. That just took a picture of you.
Even Worse: Angry landowner shoots you. "I didn't mean to kill him Judge, but he tried to attack me. He had the reefer madness!"


Well-Known Member
Every single time I've ever grown outdoors and let a couple of friends know about them and where they were the plants got stolen. Everytime. I've had it happen about 5 times in the past 15 years. A couple times I think it was actually my brother and or his friends, but still.... Never tell anyone.

It could have been cops or a neighbor. If it was just a friend I would think they would just cut the plant down and take it. Cops or a landowner would probably take it all I think. Hard to say... That spot is compromised for certain. Next time tell no one


Well-Known Member
- If it was ready for harvest it was your friends. They would giggle when your hard work is being smoked and they offer you some of it to try and maybe sell it to you? Maybe some kids saw you and just checked up and found it. Back in college not knowing much about growing a friend brought a 6 foot tall pot plant to the house all excited about free pot and tried to dry and smoke the leaves not in bud yet...dumarc...

- You leave trash around bottles etc. sure the landowner would clean up after you and notice the plant and pull it up. Maybe with a friend near with a gun in case your around to run you off or worse?

- Trap? Now your not funny there bud. I am an animal lover and hunter. Hope it's not your dog that looses his leg and or dies slowly from a trap. IF a human falls in it not only growing but you aggrevated the situation and will throw away the key over a freakin plant....

- suggest don't tell anyone and take your trash with you and you MAY make it to harvest.....


i mean that was a bad startoff... only tell a brother or sister thats cool with bud..... I wouldnt even tell one of your closest friends because they also got another close friend, thats not your close friend, that won't care what happens to your stuff. meaning it slips in a convo and next thing you know that persons out on a advent to find it.


Well-Known Member
third rule of fight club.....posting 3 seperate replies in a row instead of simply adding (edit) to your original is extremely annoying.


Well-Known Member
Every single time I've ever grown outdoors and let a couple of friends know about them and where they were the plants got stolen. Everytime. I've had it happen about 5 times in the past 15 years. A couple times I think it was actually my brother and or his friends, but still.... Never tell anyone.

It could have been cops or a neighbor. If it was just a friend I would think they would just cut the plant down and take it. Cops or a landowner would probably take it all I think. Hard to say... That spot is compromised for certain. Next time tell no one
My best outdoor grow as a younster, only my girlfriend knew, than we break up , right around harvest, and guess what? yeah.......3 people can keep a secret if 2 are dead, so, dont be a killer, what they dont know will save a friendship!!


Well-Known Member
You guys are bumming me out, why is there so many people so untrustworthy for ? I guess that is why I don't have a lot of friends because if I don't trust them I don't consider them friends. If they are jealous they should ask how to grow their own, much better idea than trying to steal from your buddy. That is just pretty low in my book.


Well-Known Member
You guys are bumming me out, why is there so many people so untrustworthy for ? I guess that is why I don't have a lot of friends because if I don't trust them I don't consider them friends. If they are jealous they should ask how to grow their own, much better idea than trying to steal from your buddy. That is just pretty low in my book.
It comes down to greed really. A $2,000 plus plant would void most friendships pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
you plant to much in the open -- you said you heard peapel on a porch... that to me is to close to anyone... I dont grow outdoors, but if i were to id take a nice hour walk back into the woods with no one around (follow some dirt bike trails and some deer paths, youll find a nice hour in an hour out -- and tell no one -- who would find it then --- no - one.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yep don't tell no one. i just don't understand. people telling others about there grow and yet can be so parinoid. hell if your going to tell someone about your grow i would keep it at your place so you can watch it better. sorry for your really good friends.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Sitting back & studying Human Nature can be a good, entertaining hobby,.. & educational. Physically, make a list of the drawbacks, greed, jealousy, desire to be important... ETC. These personal traits are not lessened by "Friendship". Sorry, but that's the Nature of the Beast. Look at the failures of Business Partners & Marriges. The Prison Term "Fall Partner" also comes into play. I was raised where passing a joint was a social thing. My fuck up was that I maintained the same mind-set when growing. "Dudes, come check this shit out!!." WRONG. Write this on your wall. "Good intentions is the road to Hell".
Let's say 7 months to grow. 7 months bet that nobody will want to feel important & brag about the IMPORANTT info that they, alone, retain. That goes against Human Nature. It's not even fair to put that burden on somebody for no reason, whatsoever, other than to feel important. So the primary cause for getting busted (80% derives from people talking), is our own weakness to "show off". Can't blame them for the same. YES? Brag on this site, that's our safe outlet. To do it right, no Family, Visitors, Friends, emergency power people, Meter readers, etc. can see , suspect or know anything. Get your priorties right. The gain is great, but the social cost is also very heavy. There is no setting on the fence, burning candles at both ends on this subject. Do 2 to 10 if these facts are not decided upon.

You guys are bumming me out, why is there so many people so untrustworthy for ? I guess that is why I don't have a lot of friends because if I don't trust them I don't consider them friends. If they are jealous they should ask how to grow their own, much better idea than trying to steal from your buddy. That is just pretty low in my book.


Well-Known Member
im sorry i think your an idiot and a fuckin child. if there is one thing yor dumb ass should know its not to grow on someones elses property


Well-Known Member
I Aint Gonna Ever Stop Im Doing The World Some Good
bro if it was the cops they took all the containers for finger printing. thats why u should never leave nothin where u grow. and oh yeah first rule of growing tell no one.. good luck hope u aint never ben arrested cause if your prints are in the system soon enough u will be too.


Well-Known Member
bro if it was the cops they took all the containers for finger printing. thats why u should never leave nothin where u grow. and oh yeah first rule of growing tell no one.. good luck hope u aint never ben arrested cause if your prints are in the system soon enough u will be too.
....Yeah Im sure the cops were all over that shit for fingerprints...:roll:

Im sure they have their tops guys on it....Gotta bust that grower who tried to grow a whole plant. Im sure the cops have nothing better to do...

Im sure it was just the neighbors or one of your "friends" that took it. Even IF the cops took it, they just threw that shit away, there isnt going to be any investigation over a single plant....
