Does this sound do-able?


Active Member
A picture or two is worth a lot of words, 4 bubblegum plants and I have some real quality. It's sticky and compact. The flavor is unique. I've been hitting it up for weeks so I would have had a zip more. I was hoping for 1/2 gram per watt, close but no cigar. I;ll do it again. Better, I've learned a lot of stuff. Do I graduate from able to roll a joint, I use a bong and fold rather than roll. How bout I'm able to take a hit?




Active Member
You have the best autopot grow I have ever seen. Your pots look different from most of the ones I've seen before (larger). I am hand watering, but am also using liquid earth nutrients in coco, but have had problems getting the mix right. I was not using enough water and it concentrated in coco as it dried.

Did you go by the label on the bottles or have you modified? I am using a much weaker mix of nutes now and am still having problem. I would really like to know the exact mix per gallon you used during the different stages of your grow?