Does this plant look healthy for a 1 week old under 150W HPS ?


Well-Known Member
Hi all :weed: !

Im very new to all this and just need some help/advice. I got some seeds off a good mate of mine and I germinated a couple of them but only 1 popped so I let it grow for a bit then put it under 150W hps, it has been under the light for a week (it has been 9 days since it popped). These past 2 days I have noticed that the two bottom round leaves have started to turn yellow aswell as the two first single fan leaves so I wondered if one of the veteran growers on this great site can help me and point me in the right direction. Also can you tell me if it looks healthy enough as I am worried im doing things seriously wrong lol. Please take a look at these photos and tell me what you think of it. Thank You. Much appreciated. :hug:



Well-Known Member
what medium are you using? looks v dry.
all i can say is keep the lamp quite high while they are young or you will scorch them.
and also v weak nutes.


Well-Known Member
what medium are you using? looks v dry.
all i can say is keep the lamp quite high while they are young or you will scorch them.
and also v weak nutes.
Hi thanks for replying, I am using soil as a meduim. The lights are currently about 10-12 inches away from the plant. Should I start using nutes now then as I was told only use them 2-3 weeks into growth :(, I keep getting told different things off different people so im pretty stuck tbh mate. Do you reckon it looks OK or should I scrap this plant and start again ?


Well-Known Member
Have you had water on them leaves?
Hi CYNiCAL, thanks for replying. I haven't had water on the leaves yet, I only water the soil. Should I be foliar feeding or do you mean the damage is caused by water being on the leaves and the light being sort of magnified and burning the leaf ?


Well-Known Member
Hi CYNiCAL, thanks for replying. I haven't had water on the leaves yet, I only water the soil. Should I be foliar feeding or do you mean the damage is caused by water being on the leaves and the light being sort of magnified and burning the leaf ?
I think thats what it means and he said weak nutes but ive never used then until like 3rd week.


Well-Known Member
Hi CYNiCAL, thanks for replying. I haven't had water on the leaves yet, I only water the soil. Should I be foliar feeding or do you mean the damage is caused by water being on the leaves and the light being sort of magnified and burning the leaf ?
Nope, initially I thought the burn on the leaves was from light burn... It's possible the soil already had nutes in them? they can often burn a young plant.


Well-Known Member
Could be too many ferts in the soil hard to tell. Just work with what you have man, don't dwell on what people suggest to much. Learn by doing.


Well-Known Member
if its burn that could indicate overwatering but the soil looks a little dry what kind of soil is it?
Cheers for the reply ESC, I am using some soil that is supposed to be for tomatoes, the bag was unopened so im guessing it was bug free lol. Other than the burn/or whatever it is, do you reckon its doing OK ?


Well-Known Member
definatley its bigger than mine was at 9 days. keep us posted
Im glad someone thinks it looks OK, ive shown a mate of mine and he said it is looking small for 15 days of growth, I just don't know who to take advice off as all advice is different lol. I will post a couple of more pics now and you can see the progress it has made, tbh I think it is doing pretty well but I might just be getting giddy as it is my first grow, haha. Any comments will be treated as positive as any news is good news. Thanks guys.

Here are a few pictures of the 15 day old baby, tell me what you think please. Thanking you. Peace :weed:DSCF2447.jpgDSCF2449.jpgDSCF2452.jpgDSCF2448.jpg


Well-Known Member
lookin great! they usually start slow then burst into life!
i found coco to be a lot easier when starting out as its more forgiving.
canna a+b for nutes.
something to think about next time.
also a 600w hps if you want really good results.


Active Member
Maybe its just me but that plant looks to be very young. So you should be using MH not HPS. HPS is for flowering. MH is for Veging.


Well-Known Member
Maybe its just me but that plant looks to be very young. So you should be using MH not HPS. HPS is for flowering. MH is for Veging.
Yes 1gamma it is only 2 weeks old, I am only using HPS because im on a budget, cash is tight thesedays.


Well-Known Member
mh are better for veg if you have the money for both but hps work fine for veg and flower :-)
Cheers dude, so do you think my HPS will do the job as I am worried I am doing the wrong thing, it is my first grow so I can only learn by mistakes I guess :/


Well-Known Member
yea it'll be fine.
like i said though,the easiest way to get amazing results for a beginner from my experience is by using:-
coco substrate,cana a+b nutes
600w hps.
fresh air in,hot air out using inline fans.
oscillating fan to keep plants cool and strengthen stems.
good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea it'll be fine.
like i said though,the easiest way to get amazing results for a beginner from my experience is by using:-
coco substrate,cana a+b nutes
600w hps.
fresh air in,hot air out using inline fans.
oscillating fan to keep plants cool and strengthen stems.

Thank you for the advice mate, I will try using coco medium on my next grow, should be the next few months. Ive been having some problems the last 9 days, I am on day 22 of veg and a couple of the leaf edges have started to curl inwards, ive been reading what could be the cause for the past week but with no avail, ill post some pics now so you can have a look....

DSCF2462.jpg DSCF2474.jpg DSCF2466.jpg DSCF2470.jpg