Does this look right?


Active Member
Does this look right to you? My buddy gave it to me about a week ago. He had it growing out in his backyard in the sun and told me it is about 2 weeks old. It seems weird to me that the stem is so long and there is only foliage on the top. It does smell delicious though.
This is my first plant and I have been obsessively reading the information on this website.
Maybe I am just worrying too much because I have no clue what I am doing.
Any thoughts?

excellent wanda.jpg



'yes im a ganja planter'
nah man dats lyk the smallest flowering ive ever saw its lyk the main cola is just peckazzzz lmfao (scrolling up)hahaha lmfao not bad for free though if you wanan grow some bud get a clone off some1 or buy some seeds and read up on it.

hell id keep that going for the fun of it though


Well-Known Member
fucking chileans? Actually maybe you could get it start growing again, just keep under light for 18 hours a day and see if it starts growing


Active Member
Chileans yea, I live in Chile. My buddy gave it to me but I guess he just wanted to get rid of it.

I have it on an 18/6 light cycle right now, so I will keep you posted.

What are the odds that this thing will keep growing? Would it be better to just chop it down now and smoke my gram of homegrown....?


Well-Known Member
lol that thing is fuckin funny
i whould put it back to 12 12 fuck it
its a cute little thing youll be able to role the whole harvest in one blunt


Well-Known Member
Dont fucking throw it out. some advice you get on here is just shit i tell ya....would you throw a joint in the garbage...jeese, keep it 12/12 light and dark and see what you get...its budding bro, nothing you can do about it...just see how big a nug you can get out of it...The day i throw out a budding plant no matter how small it is, is the day i dont care about pot....
Fucking right on boober...


New Member
You can re-veg it. Just give it 24 hours of light and soon it will begin to grow again. It will take awhile.
Some growers would die to get a bunch of little ladies like that. I have grown several very small plants that were around 1 foot at harvest and yielded 5 to 9 grams. The nine gramer was topped though.
Just take care of it and like I said give it 24 hours of light until it begins vegetative growth again. Then once you begin to see new growth change it to 18/6. That will be the fastest way to get it to grow again.


Well-Known Member
It's a top that someone cut and managed to take root. :-? I have a friend that did that and managed to grow a plant that looked more like a creeping vine, actually it was quite amazing . It grew about 7 ft. long and had basically only tops and had to be supported by wires, but fuck it was goood reefer:joint:.


Active Member
You can re-veg it. Just give it 24 hours of light and soon it will begin to grow again. It will take awhile.
Some growers would die to get a bunch of little ladies like that. I have grown several very small plants that were around 1 foot at harvest and yielded 5 to 9 grams. The nine gramer was topped though.
Just take care of it and like I said give it 24 hours of light until it begins vegetative growth again. Then once you begin to see new growth change it to 18/6. That will be the fastest way to get it to grow again.

THanks dude. By new growth do you mean an increase in height of the actual plant or just more veggie growth like brances and leafs and stuff?