Does this happen to you?


Active Member
Recently I have noticed a pattern with drinking liquor and this shoulder pain I have acquired. I get this strong throbbing pain in my right shoulder when I drink liquors, it will start somewhere after my first drink (usually toward the end of the first drink) and last about 15 mins to an hour. This never happens when I drink beer only mixed drinks and shots. My only preexisting medical condition is a bleeding ulcer that I had in February of 2008. I know when the ulcer is flaring up and getting agitated; This is not the cause of my shoulder pain. I've googled these symptoms and it appears that others have these problems when drinking but no one has yet discovered the cause. It's usually the right shoulder, and can stretch to fingers and across the chest and back. This never used to happen it only started within the last few months, and I used to drink much heavier than I do now. Also once the pain subsides if I continue drinking it will not come back.


Active Member
talk to your doc, i doubt anyone on RIU has enough medical experience to help you
I'm not really looking for help, I'm just looking for a pattern with these symptoms. I've told my doctor about these symptoms and he had no explanation for them. Other people out there seem to have similar symptoms, and their doctors have no clue as to what the actual cause is. Yes they are all linked to alcohol but there is no allergy, so what is the cause? I'm really just trying to add more pieces to a puzzle I'm trying to solve. So if any of you have a similar problem let me know when and how it occurs.. The only similarities I have found so far are right shoulder pain, alcohol (usually liquor or wine), and possible slipped disks in the back.