Does the water from Alfalfa seeds contain Nitrogen?


Hi, can anyone help me with this?

I started growing some Alfalfa in a cup last night, and found that this morning the water had turned light brown.
Before pouring this out, i was wondering whether this was a source of usable nutrients such as nitrogen, or whether it is just pure waste product.

Would be really useful for me to know as i will be growing a lot of this.


Active Member
Are you planning on having SO much of this water that it's even worth thinking about? Toss it out on the lawn or somethin'


Active Member
Yeah i guess i'd be curious to know what is leaching out into the water. Were the seeds treated/covered with something? Dirt/residue getting washed off the seeds? Makes more sense that it's something on the seed rather than coming out of the seed, the seed should be swelling with absorbed water not expelling stuff, ya know? Either way, you're gonna have MUCH more success with the alfalfa that you grow and make tea out of and compost with etc etc...But yeah, if anyone knows WTF is making that water brown, i'd like to know too :D