Does the expansion of settlements hinder the peace process?


Well-Known Member
I wholeheartedly echo this sentiment. The Jews have been on the verge of extinction and are all too conscious of the fact that some in the world are eager to finish the job.
Zionism does not represent Judaism. Judaism rejects Zionism. Zionism is waging a war in God's name.


Well-Known Member
That original statement ("islam is founded on violence, hate, and the assumption that my god is better than your god") is certainly true. Islam was founded on violent conquest and the assertion that other holy books were bastardized accounts of the truth. That's what disturbs me most about Islam (and gives it as much validity as Mormonism).

Of course, it's Ok to not be a Muslim, so long as you pay them a tax for it. Fuck that.
Yeah Islam should just be eradicated, the vermin. Cool story bro.


Well-Known Member
Then why pass judgement upon an entire people?

Ignorance is forgivable.

Did you choose to be American?
I don't judge the people, I judge what they were founded on: violence and conquest. I don't think most Muslims currently believe in either, but that doesn't erase the fact that it was the foundation, or that many Muslims to continue to pursue such goals.


Well-Known Member
I don't judge the people, I judge what they were founded on: violence and conquest. I don't think most Muslims currently believe in either, but that doesn't erase the fact that it was the foundation, or that many Muslims to continue to pursue such goals.
Stop being xenophobic.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
cant make a cogent argument?

Try Abandonintellect's Seven Point Plan:

1 : recast the opposition's statement as some absurd hateful bullshit that would make hitler blush

2 : make the same baseless allegations again, and use emotionally overwrought language implying genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing

3 : repeat your claims in as childish and petulant a manner as you can manage.

4 : repeat a bunch of tired slogans

5 : post a shitload of image macros which are not even tangentially related to the issue at hand

6 : declare victory

7 : claim anyone who disagrees with your simpering and sniveling is "harassing you" and report them to the mods.


Well-Known Member
cant make a cogent argument?

Try Abandonintellect's Seven Point Plan:

1 : recast the opposition's statement as some absurd hateful bullshit that would make hitler blush

2 : make the same baseless allegations again, and use emotionally overwrought language implying genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing

3 : repeat your claims in as childish and petulant a manner as you can manage.

4 : repeat a bunch of tired slogans

5 : post a shitload of image macros which are not even tangentially related to the issue at hand

6 : declare victory

7 : claim anyone who disagrees with your simpering and sniveling is "harassing you" and report them to the mods.
You sure your not talking about yourself?


Well-Known Member
Hey, fool. Did I say that word? You are bashing around the hate speech. I didn't call you anything. I am now going to simply suggest you take your head out of your ass. "your easy use of that word...." idiot.

I'm trying to help your dumb ass. Don't put words in my mouth. I am only just now labeling you. And it is not even that word, believe me.
Well, what new word would that be? You have already called me a fool, an idiot and a dumb ass. As far as the anti semite comment I made, you directly imply that anyone that disagrees with Israel, or yourself for that matter, is an anti semite. I did not imagine that, you scream it every chance you get. As far as the hate speech goes, you seem pretty good at it yourself, seeing as you insult people at every chance you get. What does it do for you , give you an erection?


Well-Known Member
you did not "hold a different opinion" you implied the jews should just roll over and accept whatever the pallies are offering.

but they already triuued that. thats why the west bank has not simply been annexed by the israelis and all the rabble havent been pushed back into jordan where most of them came from since 1967.

israel is very unwilling to once again negotiate with any palestinian entitiy, since none of them will abide by the agreements made by the others, and they cant even stop killing each other.

hamas has only lately finished another brutal pogrom against members of the fatah party.

there is no "palestinain authority" only petty self appointed dictators who maintain their standing as "elected representatives" the same was fidel castro keeps winning, even long after he is dead, and the same way a Kim is always the dear leader. the west bank and gaza are chaotic anarcho-theocracies where the gangster with the biggest cadre of armed goons is the "glorious leader" of his little dungheap. every agreement israel has ever made with any of the pallie factions has been abrogated by another faction within days, the israelis cant make an agreement, so no agreement is possible, and all you entreaties to "think of the children" wont convince hamas to set down it's guns and roicket launcher, nor will it persuade hezzbollah to put up their bomb vests.

i did not "belittle" you, y0ou failed to embiggen yourself by examining the situation from an angle beyond what you have been told by the same people who pull the string behind abandonintellect's neck to make that fool chatter his slogans.

the conventional ignorance holds that the israelis need to stop their "genocide" and "apartheid" of the pallies, and make some concessions, stop building houses in territory the pallies insist must be theirs, and release all the plotters schemers, and bomb makers they have busted then kneel down, beg the forgiveness of the pallies for being land stealing sons of apes and pigs, submit themselves before allah, and accepot whatever punishment the pallies decide to give them.

and thats why they say Never Again...

Never Again meekly onto the cattle cars or into the 'showers"
Never Again into the labour camps
Never Again into the ghettoes
Never Again into exile.

and before you vomit up some horseshit about "look what they are doing to the pallies", pull the cock out of you5r mouth and look at what they are ACTUALLY doing to the pallies, including the 20% arab population in Actual Israel who live peacefully and prosperously alongside their jerwish neighbors, enjoying the highest standard of living in the arab world, with the highest per capita wages in the arab world, with the least disease in the arab world, with the least vioolence in the arab world, with the most freedom of the arab world, and they live under what abandonintellect calls a hateful zionist theocracy that engages in genocide (despite an 1100% rise in the palestinian polulation since 1942) and for some reason fails to apartheid anyone except on their national border to keep out the teeming masses of assholes who like to blow up schoolbusses.

your assumptions are fallacious, your assertions are sophomoric, and your prattle is beyond witless
There you go again, belittling people.


Well-Known Member
Well, what new word would that be? You have already called me a fool, an idiot and a dumb ass. As far as the anti semite comment I made, you directly imply that anyone that disagrees with Israel, or yourself for that matter, is an anti semite. I did not imagine that, you scream it every chance you get. As far as the hate speech goes, you seem pretty good at it yourself, seeing as you insult people at every chance you get. What does it do for you , give you an erection?
You are being a troll. All that was after, you vast IDIOT. If you can't discussing it without morphing into this mealy mouth,is that why you are an idiot. Get facts. You not are even in control of your own words.

You started with Zionist this, miscreants that. If you are going to raise the temperature around here with hate speech, you had better know what you are doing.

You don't seem to. When you are a fool. I will tell you. If was only when you started garbling my message back to me and taking it personal

Go back an read your posts. Forget mine. I am studiously neutral, I did not say perfectly. But, read back and see where you charged in with a flamethower for Zionists. Then you began saying I was easily bashing around hate speech like you,. Referring to you with a word I hate, because I can't spell it very well. Alway. screw it up. I even said, no denigration on you....

So, I have a BFG flamethrower that I save for the dumbass that mis-quotes me and mis-characterizes my stance. NEUTRAL.. You knock that off you are fine with me. But, if you feel insult, hell yeah. BFG.


Ursus marijanus
cant make a cogent argument?

Try Abandonintellect's Seven Point Plan:

1 : recast the opposition's statement as some absurd hateful bullshit that would make hitler blush

2 : make the same baseless allegations again, and use emotionally overwrought language implying genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing

3 : repeat your claims in as childish and petulant a manner as you can manage.

4 : repeat a bunch of tired slogans

5 : post a shitload of image macros which are not even tangentially related to the issue at hand

6 : declare victory

7 : claim anyone who disagrees with your simpering and sniveling is "harassing you" and report them to the mods.
In all fairness, he hasn't reported me to the mods. cn
