Does THC have aroma?


Hey peepz! i was wondering if anyone knew that if the more thc on buds...the stronger the smell? or does it even matter? would the buds smell the same even without thc? The reason I ask is that...the girls i'm growing dont have much thc (because my temp is too high, I'll fix that soon!) and when their dry, theres no smell at all. I havent cured yet, but their should be at least some kind of smell. Hopefully someone could help me with this question. Thanx...


Active Member
How many weeks into flowering are you?

I didn't have any smell from my girls til about 4 weeks into flowering.



Well-Known Member
i would say that thc does smell or the resin glands because when you touch the resin and break the glands it stinks really strong.


My girls are in the 4th week...half of them are White widow, and the other is a mystery strain that I got from a buddy, and I'm really pissed off cuz he gave me spidermites. Anyways...bluntmaster I think your right. I smelt the ones without thc and nothing. But thank god my ww's are doing ok. I'm gonna try the water cure.