does skunk smell like diesel ?


Well-Known Member
NYC Diesel does have a lot of skunk in it, but it would be wrong to say that they smell alike. There are skunk hints, no doubt, but there are lots of other smells going on in there too..


Active Member
all true. I grew and old school skunk from sam the skunk man, and it smelled just like when a skunk was living under my deck. No carbon filter could cover it up. But the good news is my house smelled like a skunk lived under the deck and not pot.


bud bootlegger
all true. I grew and old school skunk from sam the skunk man, and it smelled just like when a skunk was living under my deck. No carbon filter could cover it up. But the good news is my house smelled like a skunk lived under the deck and not pot.
yah, i grew super skunk by g13 labs my first grow, and never again, that shit smelled like 2 skunks were having raw butt sex in my crib.. i so couldn't wait for that shit to be down.. never again, never never never, lol...
it didn't smell like weed what so ever though, just straight up skunks... and thank god for small favors..


Well-Known Member
you think skunks bad.......... grow some exodus cheese.

smell from her will take over any garden.....


bud bootlegger
Not skunk smelling at all...... its kind of like some... musty... smelly... old dirty ass gym socks
didn't say it smelled like skunk, just said it's a pheno found out of a pack of skunk number 1 seeds, so therefore i'd imagine being a skunk strain, it would stink... :)