Does organic soil go bad?


Well-Known Member
Does organic soil go bad? I've been having a mystery deficiency in all of my new soil plants. I bought a bag of vermifire soil months back and planted some clones in the soil. Everything was fine, they grew well. Now a few months later the 1/2 used bag or soil that I left outside under the porch and decided to use for some new clones and seeds. Every single seed and clone keeps getting what looks like a iron or potassium deficiency and I can't seem to fix the problem. So I'm thinking either the soil went bad? Can that happen? I'm gonna buy some generic miracle grow tomorrow and repot them I guess since they are just mother plants I don't need any super soil or anything. Hoping it fixes my deficiency problem or I'm out of ideas :(


Well-Known Member
Does organic soil go bad? I've been having a mystery deficiency in all of my new soil plants. I bought a bag of vermifire soil months back and planted some clones in the soil. Everything was fine, they grew well. Now a few months later the 1/2 used bag or soil that I left outside under the porch and decided to use for some new clones and seeds. Every single seed and clone keeps getting what looks like a iron or potassium deficiency and I can't seem to fix the problem. So I'm thinking either the soil went bad? Can that happen? I'm gonna buy some generic miracle grow tomorrow and repot them I guess since they are just mother plants I don't need any super soil or anything. Hoping it fixes my deficiency problem or I'm out of ideas :(
vermifire is a lil hot for clones and seedlings, i'd "water" it down with some worm castings and perlite.
Try the regular one next time, vermi-something (vermisoil?), but the fire is twice as "hot" as the regular, I think its vermisoil? or something like that
Vermifire is good stuff though, my favorite soil to use, just a lil much for clones and seedlings. I doubt it's turned acidic, honestly


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feed them any miracle grow though.
vermifire can support up to 30 days of growth for most plants, depends on the container size of course.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feed them any miracle grow though.
vermifire can support up to 30 days of growth for most plants, depends on the container size of course.
That might be the problem, when I first used the soil, my clones were already well rooted and a foot or so tall, and they took off great in the vermifire, but all my new clones and seedlings are having problems, that would make sense that the soil is just too hot for the smaller plants. I was going crazy wondering what's wrong since my bigger plants loved the soil. Awesome to know, thanks man, I'll pick up the regular vermisoil and do a transplant. Thanks again, I appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Some soil can have high concentrations of damping off funguss

All non sterilized soil has some, but for what ever reason some can have high concentrations