Does legalization really matter?


i got busted 7 months ago, drunk driving and posseion of valium, it gave the fucks an excuse to get a warrant to search my house, of course i had full tent set up with 8 plants in it. until that i was in the 10% minority of my mates without any drugs previous(plenty of other shit but no drugs, just luck i guess)18 month driving ban, 150 hours unpaid community work and a years probabtion. guys over across the pond have it easy compared to us. if i were caught with valium and 8 marijuana plants i'd be looking at 20 years in the pokey..... but i doubt the judges would authorize a search warrant in my state just because i had valium on me. my state is pretty liberal when it comes to drugs so if i weren't prosecuted at the federal level i might just get six mons


Well-Known Member
Legalization would help.

It eliminates the black market for it.
It saves money from being spent on the "war on drugs"
It can make money for the government through taxes.

Challenge is the Pharmaceutical industry.


Sector 5 Moderator
Seriously, you've vote for Ron Paul just because of the hope of him legalizing pot???? WTF??? We're in the greatest financial collapse in our history and this is your criteria??? We got bigger fish to fry bro.
I think college kids need to pick up the movement. Get arrested, be a martyr (but don't complain about it, just tell anyone around that the law is unfair!)
In addition to the record, it could also possibly invalidate any eligibility they may have for college loans/grants.

Brick Top

New Member
Seriously, you've vote for Ron Paul just because of the hope of him legalizing pot???? WTF??? We're in the greatest financial collapse in our history and this is your criteria??? We got bigger fish to fry bro.
What I find amusing about why some people will pick a presidential candidate to support is when it comes to things like legalizing cannabis a president is incapable of doing it. All he can do is ask congress to pass legislation. A Republican president could count on little support from congressional Democrats and legalization is not something the Republican party has much interest in. A democratic president could not count on any support of congressional Republicans, and little from his own party. An Independent could not count on the support of either the Republicans or the Democrats in congress. So why would someone base their support for a candidate on something that if elected they would not have so much as a snowballs chance in Hell of achieving?

If legalization were put on a national ballot for all voting citizens to vote on there is a slight chance it would pass. But the government lacks the testicular fortitude to legalize pot, even if it wanted to, which it does not. If the government were to legalize pot they would be admitting that it is not harmful as the government has said for decades and decades. It would be admitting that the billions, or trillions of taxpayer dollars that have been spent on the idiotic war against pot were totally wasted. The government would be admitting that all it's anti-pot propaganda was just that, propaganda. The government will not do that, it will not lose face on such a massive level. So instead it will continue to fight the bad fight, the wrong fight, rather than undo what never should have been done in the first place.

Back in about 1970 I felt positive that by the mid 80's to early 90's pot would be legal. I knew that by then congress would have many members who got high in high school and or college and knew it isn't a danger and that by then there would likely be a president who had also smoked pot, or at least had children who smoked pot, and would know it isn't a danger and who would sign legalization legislation. But here it is 2011, and it is getting close to 2012, and it hasn't happened yet.

Legalization is a sweet dream. But that is all it is and all it will remain for a considerable amount of time. While there was a time I was positive that I would be able to enjoy legalized pot, now I am positive that I will not live long enough to see pot made legal.


Active Member
Lets forget legalization and work on decriminalization. I can see why they would want it controlled, we don't need millions of stoned people walking around the streets looking at shiny things. (I know how stereotypical that is, but face it we have all done some silly shit while stoned.) If it was just decriminalized so we could use it in the comfort of our own homes, after hours, and enjoy the spare time we have, without fear of being jailed for it, that would make everyone happy no?

Brick Top

New Member
Lets forget legalization and work on decriminalization. I can see why they would want it controlled, we don't need millions of stoned people walking around the streets looking at shiny things. (I know how stereotypical that is, but face it we have all done some silly shit while stoned.)
Maybe not the best argument for continued illegality of pot. Booze is legal and I have done far stupider things while drunk than I ever did when high. I never outran a cop car while only high, but I sure did while I was drunk.


Active Member
I agree, but if everything that altered your state of mind was illegal, we would live in a world without caffeine, alcohol, tobacco.... and many more. saying you have done silly shit shouldn't be a reason to not legalize or decriminalize.


Sector 5 Moderator
There are so many interests that have much to gain from pot remaining illegal, not to mention the high roller growers and dealers. Big pharma, politicians, prison owners and employees, every law enforcement agency, and most of all the government. Brick Top I agree with you 100% on everything you said. The government would be admitting it was wrong and we know they can't do that; they are perfect and always right.


I'm sure Ron Paul would wind up pushing for atleast decriminalization of all drugs, and legalization of Marijuana. I know he would want to legalize every drug if he could, which of course no one thinks is a good idea. Forget the legalization part, people even think decriminalization of all drugs will cause over-dosing on a grand scale across the US, and cause everyone walking the streets and in work to be drugged to the hilt.

Ask yourself this though... how many stupid people do you see in a day. I'm talking people who barely know whats going on in the reality around them, let alone being able to comprehend the risks of any drugs they ingest. It would make Darwin's theory play out a little better, and help thin out society's imbeciles, if all drugs were legalized. Of course this will never happen though.


Well-Known Member
just heard on tv there that america has 5% of the worlds population and that 1/4 of the entire worlds prisoners are yanks. 1 in 30 men between 16 and 34 are in jail and if ur black its 1 in 9. CHRIST ALMIGHTY. wot the fuck are you people living in? land of the free? yeah, that'll be fucking right!
time for you to liberate us then.


please god never legalise the weed, i'd be out of a job..........p.s, thanks for the recent crop of retarded politicians that seem hell bent on stickin their heads in the sand, thank you god,Amen.
That's not a greedy disgusting attitude at all.
I will gladly give up my monstrous medicinal grow and mmc's and the money they can make if it means that patients and tokers alike will be safe from prosecution. Life is short my friend, make a difference


I'm sure Ron Paul would wind up pushing for atleast decriminalization of all drugs, and legalization of Marijuana. I know he would want to legalize every drug if he could, which of course no one thinks is a good idea. .
If no one thinks that legalization of every drug is a good idea, then no one has a brain. Legalize personal responsibility and freedom. The mob does not have the right to tell adults what substances they may possess and use. I can't believe that even on a forum like this I would find so many in favor government legislating morality. WTF?


Active Member
I'm not too concerned with legalization, personally. But that may be selfish. I think they should make it so we can get jobs without having to fake a drug test and lie to our bosses at the very beginning of the relationship. Doesn't seem like the beginning of a successful employment. I'd like to go to an interview, complete the interview, when they bring up a drug test, I show them my prescription and legal documentation for medical cannabis, and then they drug test me for everything else. I would pass for everything else, and I would still get the job. I would have been forthcoming, and being intoxicated at work would STILL be grounds for dismissal. But I wouldn't have to sweat about a random drug test or getting injured and losing my job because of an "incident" drug test, etc.... Anyways, that's my rant. If it makes no sense then you'll have to excuse me. I'm not too big into politics and lawmaking, etc...


Sector 5 Moderator
The Scots are busy trying to free themselves at the there may be some wait until the Scots Guards come storming Plymouth Rock..;-):lol:;-)
Here's one for the Scots!!