Doctor dispute leaves Colorado pot patients in limbo


Well-Known Member
DENVER (AP) — Some 1,300 people waiting for Colorado medical marijuana cards are in limbo because of a dispute over which doctors can recommend pot.

Colorado health regulators are puzzling over how to interpret a new state law requiring doctors that recommend pot to be “in good standing.” The requirement led the state to send rejections to thousands of marijuana-card applicants who used recommendations from doctors with restrictions or conditions on their medical licenses.

Problem is, there’s a difference between doctors with “restrictions” and doctors with “conditions” on their licenses. The distinction has thousands of would-be marijuana patients waiting until at least March until the state resolves which doctors should be allowed to recommend pot.

There's always some new hoop or hurdle to jump through or over, always some new bureaucratic red tape. I'm just sticking with my annual recommendation from now on, hell with playing Colorado's ever-changing game.I never go into dispensaries and I never travel with my herb anyway, I always keep it at home. Not only that , if I ever got raided over my 6 plant grow, I've got an MRI, Cat Scan, and Xrays and about 6 years worth of empty Methadone bottles and an inch thick folder documenting valid chronic pain. I've got more than enough proof documenting and validating an affirmative defense.

I understand there's a lot of people getting recommendations with just vocal complaints of "I hurt here, or there" , but with the medical charts I've got...I just can't see any state DA trying to try me over having a recommendation but not having the bullshit state registration. I'm not bothering with the state registration anymore. MY medical charts alone would win over any Colorado jury.