Do your kids know you are a pot head?


Well-Known Member
My daughter is only 4 years old and have not smoked anything in 2 years roughly. But....... when I was young probably 8 I went to parents bathroom and there was a big round metal Tin (cookies come in it) I opened it it contained rolling papers weed grinder etc. I asked my parents what it was. Of Course They Could Not Always Afford Cigs So They Would Roll Thera own. Then a year or so after say 9-10 I found a bag or roaches and asked what those were. My dad's excuse. Well son were I work I can't throw my cig buts on grundy or in the trash can so I put them in my pocket and then he took a cig but ripped it and said see. I then got 13 roughly mayber earlier and learned.what weed was about. I of course had no money so I would pinch out my.parents bag. One time I took probably an eighth and mom asked if I been in her room and I said no my older sister was lol and she was posses cause someone stole something out her room but would not say what. Well a few weeks later my parents were outside and I sat beside them fired 1 up and they said he'll no and.walked.away lol but its all good now


Well-Known Member
My son knows my wife smokes and that we grow. He is 11 now but I have never hid it from him. My whole family is pretty open about everything no matter the age. most of the kids in my family aren't sheltered from much. If somthing like drugs and guns aren't made out to be a big deal than the kids really dont give it a second thought. He also knows I'd beat his fucking ass if I ever caught him trying to smoke at this age.
I stared smoking with my 24 ur old daughter when she was nineteen. She knew I smoked from the time she was 15. We had the talk. Now my son is a different story. His dad is a 5_0. Although he ( my ex) used to wear his blues, he would smoke half oz a week, but hard on the boy. So one of my children knows


Well-Known Member
Nope, got 2 kids under 6 n neither of them know as we make a point of not smoking around them/when they are awake etc, they also dont know about the grow 10ft from their bedroom door either lol, when they are older and can understand better then the subject be bought up but got a fair few years before I NEED to have that convo


Well-Known Member
His first ball was an "Oil Slick ball".

Never really thought of hiding it as he gets older. I don't know if I could. We plan on dragging him along to marijuana/cannabis shows for the next foreseeable time and even dressing him up like our mascot.

I don't know. What is there to hide? When I use it I don't act like a fool as I might after too much drink. He's seen me stoned plenty and I still haven't managed to let him die like that poor baby who was a victim of middle class marijuana use like in the first season of Dragnet.
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