do you think my plant can recover? [Picture]


Do you think my plant can recover?
Here is my plant. I made a huge mistake in the first 3 weeks because I forgot to check the pH. It turns out that I was watering it with a pH lower than 6. Now my plant is looking pretty bad. I'm now watering with 6.6pH and using a small amount of Fertilizer. I just gave it fertlizer yesterday (Feb 6). As you can see some of the leaves are very dry and dieing. Do you think it can recover? if so how long do you think it'll take?
Thanks for your time and advice :^)

P.S. Do you guys think I should cut off the dead fan leafs?


New Member
You should listen to Jesus. Your plant can certainly recover if you stop doing whatever you have done to it. Good luck.


It's kept at very low heat, just normal room temperature.(20°C) I thought it looked like a deficiency of something. The soil it's in is 0.08-0.13-0.08 and has some kind of automatic 6 months feeding system. Should I switch to a soil that has no fertilizer in it? and just add my own? So you guys think it has to much nutrient's right?

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
It's kept at very low heat, just normal room temperature.(20°C) I thought it looked like a deficiency of something. The soil it's in is 0.08-0.13-0.08 and has some kind of automatic 6 months feeding system. Should I switch to a soil that has no fertilizer in it? and just add my own? So you guys think it has to much nutrient's right?
yes, deffinetly switch soil


Well-Known Member
auto feeding? lol thers ur problem my dude, probably a slow release. In my opinion i would grow it bigger and take clones, even if its feminized seed or clone odds are it will hermie.


Active Member
Do you guys think I should cut off the dead fan leafs?
Why not, they are DEAD! When they are curled up to nothing like that, there is no point in keeping them on the plant! It is a different story when the edges are burnt and/or dying and there is still green left ont he leaves!


Active Member
I've heard of ppl who take the time and sift out the time release beads in the dirt because that's the only soil they can get their hands on if that sounds appealing. I would definitely agree with switching or that for sure, it's going to be a constant struggle for 6 months I imagine if u don't. Your new growth seems ok, so I think she'll be just fine. In regards to trimming, people have varying views, I am of the view that trimming like a maniac is OK. I trim the dead shit cause I don't like looking at it, then I might trim a half dead one just to teach it a lesson.


Well-Known Member
it should recover.

that autofert shit i hear though, is more or less, always troublesome.

cut off the dead leaves, all they are doing is blocking light,