Do you think my friend is being treated fairly?


Active Member
This morning I came across a news report about a WMU student/MMJ patient who is denied the ability to use marijuana due to his probation sentence. I soon realized this was one of my good friends who decided to turn over his story to a reporter. The charge is non-drug related and he was a qualified patient before the incident ever occurred. I believe his probation officer is being radical in his decision to revoke his ability to use marijuana. Day by day now I feel like they are slowly trying to rip the law we placed into effect away. Tonight I watched a special on channel 8 news on Michigan's law, they said within the next 4-6 weeks the State Senate will introduce a set of bills to reform the law. These bills will institute state operated growing facilities and medicine will be dispensed through pharmacies. They want to take the freedom out of the law.

Here is a link to the story:


Well-Known Member
Stupidity and prohibition have killed more people than marijuana ever will.
Medical, or otherwise.
Face it, the only ones living free in America today are politicians.
The rest of us are just trying to abide. Apparently, our state government doesn't trust us
to even do that.