Do you need to vent?


I'm trying to start a closet grow but read that you need to vent it, like use an extraction fan or something? how do you do that? my closet doesn't have windows and it isn't by an outside wall...I'm confused


ok so to use an inline fan i would need to run ducting somewhere? like from the closet to outdoors? or just outside of the closet?


You could cut a hole in the door and use that for the exhaust!!
i'm hoping to not have to cut any holes since i'm renting, i would have to replace anything i cut..which wouldn't be fun--hoping there is another way...?

AND..your little signature thing made me think there was a bug on my screen lol :p


The attic would be good but if you cant outside of the closet will do just fine. Get a 6in inline A 400 watt can cover a 3x3 9 sq feet so you wont be able to use that whole closet. You need to paint walls white or get mylar.
by the way thanks for helping so maybe I should get 1000w lights to use the whole closet, because i read somewhere that 400w was enough. oh venting for anything other than smell?


Active Member
You are going to have to cut a hole in the wall or ceiling or door. Actually 2 hole exaust and intake you can always replace the door.


Active Member
by the way thanks for helping so maybe I should get 1000w lights to use the whole closet, because i read somewhere that 400w was enough. oh venting for anything other than smell?
Yes!! heat is gonna be a issue with a Hps or a Mh lamp. I would recomend a 600 watt.


sooo if i used some cfl instead? think thats what there called..would heat still be an issue? or is there any other way? because also i have too much company to make it obvious theres somethin goin on in the closet


Active Member
As for the company thing. 1st rule dont tell anyone (no one). If you have alot of company you probly dont want to grow.


As for the company thing. 1st rule dont tell anyone (no one). If you have alot of company you probly dont want to grow.
hmm well thats why i was hoping to hide it as good as possible, i mean the smell is nothing because most of my "company" smokes, but i wouldnt want them to know i was growing just incase--you never know who could turn to an enemy


i've been researching for a week or two..but its so hard because i keep learning the same stuff I already learned but not finding answers to what I need :( ... BUT i think I might have came up with a solution..what if I got a grow tent, and then just vented out of the grow tent?
capecodkid, im in the same boat as pink but i have a window 10 feet away from my closet. Now i wanna built a grow tent with a intake and outtake. Do u know an thing about ozone generators with a charcoal filter ? i read that they eliminate oder with out exhausting it outside ? And to pinky, I had 6 in my closet and my landlrd upstairs could smell it