Do you ever get sick from edibles?


Active Member
Everytime I eat brownies/cookies, I'll get a really bad stomach ache before they kick in and also after the high is gone. Does this ever happen to you? :-?


Active Member
when i drink beer and eat eddies i get sick...

if i eat too many eddies it's panic attack city... that happened in walmart once....awful times


Staff member
what kinda brownie/cookie mix are you using, how much bud are you using, and do oyu have a normally sensitive tummy? I have chrons so basically i hurt all the damn time, but sometimes if i eat one too many cookies (even without pot) i hurt >.< ya know ?


Well-Known Member
Are you buying them from a coop or making them yourself? If you make them of course you can control all the variables, I'm not questioning your ability but if you are making them your straining the bud from the butter right? Maybe your using too much butter or your stomach just doesn't want to digest herb, I have a friend that can't eat meddles, he once missed 2 days of college after digesting some, maybe it's just not for everyone.

If you're making your own meddles, might I suggest making glycerine tincture instead? Since I found tincture I RARELY make butter or cook with herb, I typically mix it in with my morning coffee or at night with tea, it can also be digested under the tongue.