Do you ever get paranoid when high?


Active Member
Do you ever get paranoid as hell about growing when you smoke a big fatty? It seems like easy as can be and stealthy so no one could ever know about it. But I just smoked a big fat joint and now i'm all paranoid the po-lice are about to bust up in this mothahfuckaa. Anyone think it's not big deal when not high?


Well-Known Member
No. And I smoke just about everywhere. A healthy amount of caution is always good though.

Please use the search to find a good dozen threads that will help you deal with your problem... Or switch to indica x


Well-Known Member
Plenty of people get paranoid. I used to back in school, but haven't really had paranoia in a long time. I think the last time was about a year ago, I quit smoking for a job drug screening thinking it was a piss test. Found out it was a mouth swab which only goes back 3 days. So I decided to blaze. I was so high it was kinda uncomfortable. But it went away as I smoked more. That same day.


Staff member
i never got paranoid.....
id smoke joints walking past the police station....... LOL that was when i was a "badass teenager" when I think about it now I laugh a lot and think how dumb I was

/face palm.


Well-Known Member
Cant say ive been paranoid while being high in like 6 months now,happily enough i understand what triggers my anxiety and i just figuered out how to deal away with it before it becomes paranoia.