Do you consider an internship real work?


New Member
Meh. At least you'd get paid if you worked at mcdonalds :shrugs:
I'd much rather intern doing something that will further my career than work at a shit hole like McfuckingDonalds. You might want raise the bar for yourself there, because right now it's ground-level and you're tripping over it.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
This sort of thing can really help to set you up for the future as has already been mentioned... If it is something that you are passionate about then don't think of it as work, think of it simply as a way to gain experience in something you enjoy... These sort of things can also let you find out for yourself if you are cut out for the career that you believe you want...


Well-Known Member
If someone pays you for your time is a job. If you don't get paid then it's volunteering. The point is you do work in both. A internship I just a stepping stone for your career. It lets you see what kina jobs go on at that workplace without actually giving you anything important to do. You just build relations with the boss people and assist your superiors.

So do you like making coffee for free? You could be getting paid at Starbucks & they have dental plans and health benifets too.
are you sitting on your bum all day chatting/texting up your friends, surfin the net, doing whatever you want, showing up at whatever time or day you wish, coming in wearing torn sweats & flipflops, leaving whenever you wish OR are you doing what supervisory staff request you to do, arrive & leave at pre-specified times & days, wearing business style clothing & putting a professional educated attitude into the day? If it is the former, than no, it is NOT real work; if it is the latter, then YES it is real work.
The purpose for internships (usually at the end of education/training) is to solidify your abilities, gain experience in the real world of a business sector & to refine & improve the skills you obtained in your education/training. It is usually ended by an offer of employment if you performed at an appropriate or better level. In a congressional campaign you are probably being utilized as free helping hands & may-depending on your performance-be offered a job as a congresional assistant or liason for a congressman/woman to another foreign government or business representative. That happened to my cousin in the late 90's & she made big big money as the liason with an Asian electrical co that was helped along with one of our congressmen back then. No matter what happens, this is job experience for you, so yes put it on your resume...some of us (former) HR like to see that you're willing to work to excell yourself in your profession or education & don't expect a hand out just because you showed up that day. I hope it's a great experience for you. :)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
If an internship is not part of your curriculum then it is not an internship. Sorry. Unless it is approved by the Dean of your program.

You can list it as a volunteer position under 'Personal Interests' if it isn't part of your curriculum, etc. I would not list it at all. If you put it in your resume and it is says you interned for an R and you sent your resume to a D it would shoot you in the foot. jmo


Well-Known Member
I'd much rather intern doing something that will further my career than work at a shit hole like McfuckingDonalds. You might want raise the bar for yourself there, because right now it's ground-level and you're tripping over it.
Sorry, no, I don't work at mcdonalds.

I don't look down on people that work there, either.