Do you change out EZ cloner water?


Well-Known Member
Its been 10 days in the EZ cloner.
I kind of see "Nubs" and some 1mm hairs. Nothing to you know, call roots.

My temps are 76! I put frozen water in soda bottles to cool it back to 70.

So its been a while, do I need to drain out the water and add fresh water?

I used rapid rooter, Silica, and Aqua Shield to protect from slime.

So far I cant see any slime, slightly brown where the blade cut the stem but pretty healthy.

Do you change out the water?


Well-Known Member
Personally I only change the water after a couple rounds of clones are puth through it. And you want your water to be a bit warmer in the cloner.


Well-Known Member
75-80 I would say is perfect. Hell I wish my cloner would get that warm. Basement floor oh well. Just takes a bit longer for me to see root growth.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude!

I use tap water and 1 0z of rez clear, I am about to plant a whole bunch that have only been going for a week. I hope you get better luck, I keep it as simple as possible to see if it works without all the additives. If I need them then I will add them but so far it all looks good!

Good Luck, I am going to stick around and get some knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I posted some photos, I feel pretty positive. I dont say its brown and slimy, because I slimed out last year.

Photos are from my "Field kit" pretty fucking cool rig, 8 inch windows tablet PC, Firefly USB 100X microscope (Same as the ones used in my veterinary office, and eye doctor)

I mean im not "Blown away" but those are nubes yes!!

I HAVE NUBS!1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yup, that’s how mine look after about 10 days: nubs as you call them, very short root hairs and a brownish color spot where the cut has been made. The temperature in my place fluctuates, but whether it’s hotter than hell in the summer time or chilly in the winter time (I have no idea what my reservoir temps are), it doesn’t seem to matter: it takes about 2 ½ to 3 weeks for my clones to be ready. But after 17 to 21 days – regardless of the strain, regardless of whether the stems are thick and slightly woody or young and less rigid – inevitably there’s amazing root growth in the latter part of the second week and during the third week.

Kudos to Thecouchlock who’s clones are ready in a week. In my case – and I’ve got some going now – I now don’t even bother checking until about the two week mark. I know they’ll be ready after about 17 to 21 days.

I use the same water – tap water, with 1 ml of house-brand cloning additive from my local hydro store to every litre of water – for the entire three weeks. No need to change the water, unless you need to add some to account for evaporation. Hell, even my hydro shop guy says the cloning additive isn’t really necessary. I run the cloner continuously, but I have a small lamp – with a Y socket and a couple of blue CFL bulbs – perched above the clones. I have the lamp -- $2 from a thrift store -- on 18 hours a day and off for six, using a timer.

It sounds like you have a new toy in your EZ cloner. I didn’t have the bucks for one of those – I bought a 25 spot cloner off Ebay for about $65 – but I’m betting you’ll be very pleased with the results. About the only thing I don’t like about the aero cloner is cleaning and disinfecting it after I’m done. But I really only need to run it three or four times a year.


Well-Known Member
Yo mane. Chill out on them babies, the more you do it the more you'll get comfortable with it. Ever since I've bought my cloner( not an ez cloner, waaay too expensive!) I've had pretty much a 100% rate. Sometimes I don't throw anything cloning hormone-wise in and I always take them out no later than 14 days(12 on the fast ones). I also don't change the water until each round is done. I find using tap water is advisable, I tried ro and it gooped up with algae in 2 days.

keep your res nice and warm, it keeps the environment perfect for vigorous white roots. Don't obviously let it get too warm, you'll get algae build up and that shit sucks. Don't check on em every day either, let em develop. I'm not saying ignore them,you'll obviously need to do checks, just be patient. They will come if you let them

The number one reason people have bad success rates with clones, is because of impatience. Like I said give them time, once they develop the roots they'll get giant in 4 days. You'll be oh so satisfied.

One time I had forgotten About a run , let them go an extra 2 weeks almost. And they had grown about 7 inches. They were tiny when I put them in and huge when I got them out. Pretty cool, those little cloners