do YOU...and rock regardless


New Member
If you stumbled upon this and happened to read, thanks. Maybe you'll gain something from my experiences. The title pretty well sums it up

I couldn't have imagined my life to be the way it is now just one year ago. I was contemplating suicide...I felt like I didn't belong. Sure, I was growing lots of pot at the time and drew myself away socially because I felt I had to, to protect myself. Times are hard right now for similar reasons though...socially, I'm asking myself where I even belong. That's what it comes down to folks, we want belonging. But i'm living state-to-state, on the go, staying in hotels, plane flights all over. When i explain this to people I feel like they see my ego before they see the living situation for what it is. We all want that stability- not the money. The family, home-base....where we roam most comfortably in our very own vast space. The space I've been encompassing as "home base" for the past 4 months has stretched the entire country.

How does one achieve the goal of feeling content and belonging when there is no home base? Rock regardless in the moment, spread your wings to others, make them feel good about themselves. For me this has involved strippers, escorts, flirting with girls on the street...and then i ask myself why. i mean after i bust a nut, whyy?? Because we're human, we're weak...we've got soo many needs...but despite your needs, you must NEVER forget to put yourself and your needs first. That's the hardest fucking part about life. Staying true to your vision of yourself and what you want

But we all want both worlds. So what do you do? how does one reconcile their two vastly different personalities?


Ursus marijanus
You do that for all of us , y'hear? I am old and broken, and lack the vitality to follow that advice. But please don't pick up any funny bumps. cn


New Member
with girls sometimes i just don't know what to think. i think instinctively they're smart as HELL. They spot weakness like nobody's business. But at the same time I look at them like they're emotionally weak and can't hold their own. And when it comes to finding wifey I want the strongest woman I can who never loses her cool, always stays composed and still has enough in her to give me love too. As for the entertainment I've been devulging into, it's been fun and I love going out....just isn't always fullfilling.

and quit talkin that smack about yourself before i smack ya :p


New Member
LOL really? I chopped and stacked 15 pallets last summer...i already had 2 jobs. i was bored :p

my wifey needs to nurture my seeds :) that right there holds it together like cum. errr.....glue


New Member
she can cook me the best food that i grow, give me backrubs and still have time to read my kids stories

you know...things your mother did for me (you) ;)


Well-Known Member
OP had you been listening to a cheesy rock song? And did you turn it into a thread on a medical marijuana website?


Well-Known Member
I lived on the go for 22 years. hotels, motels, parking lots, wayside on the highway, rarely but ocasionaly
at someone's house any place I could sleep for the night, a camping spot once or twice.
Sleeping in someone else bed, or not, for 300 days a year.

Fly most places bus or train to some and rental car, taxi or subway to others and even walk to where i needed to be.
Always eating in dives or going without, sometimes it was living like a king in 5 start hotels or condos.

It is a lonely life style, fair weather finds all over, if i had a chance to meet anyone along the trip(s).

Now I do things slower and try not to get very excited. AND I get to sleep in my own bed every night.
I enjoined what I did or there would never have been reason enough
to keep going. Although I would not choose to go back to that lifestyle.

If I have to travel across town now I hate it with a passion.


New Member
real shit...somebody who gets it. thanks

I lived on the go for 22 years. hotels, motels, parking lots, wayside on the highway, rarely but ocasionaly
at someone's house any place I could sleep for the night, a camping spot once or twice.
Sleeping in someone else bed, or not, for 300 days a year.

Fly most places bus or train to some and rental car, taxi or subway to others and even walk to where i needed to be.
Always eating in dives or going without, sometimes it was living like a king in 5 start hotels or condos.

It is a lonely life style, fair weather finds all over, if i had a chance to meet anyone along the trip(s).

Now I do things slower and try not to get very excited. AND I get to sleep in my own bed every night.
I enjoined what I did or there would never have been reason enough
to keep going. Although I would not choose to go back to that lifestyle.

If I have to travel across town now I hate it with a passion.