Do seedlings need dark periods?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I ask because I want my seedlings to reach vegetative stage quickly. Would it harm them to be under lights for 48 hours straight. (after they have popped free from soil)
It is common for people top do 24 hours of light per day in this stage to promote growth. Most then switch to 18 hours light 6 dark for vegitation. Then 12 12 for flowering. I am no expert. But I suggest to promote a good veg to follow that cycle, also nutes and watering are just a vital part. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
24 hours of light is fine, so isn't 18 hours of light. Personally, I like 18/6. Darkness is not ABSOLUTELY needed, but your power bill will appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Hey I also would like to know this, I have 6 day old seedlings. I am still working out the kinks on my grow box but am still wondering when to switch to 18/6.


Active Member
Keep them on 24 hour once the seedlings pop out of the soil. I dont see any reason to have a dark period, unless you want to save on electricity, but IMO its not that big of a difference.


multiple people have discussed this and plants actually grow bigger and yield more when given a dark period. i went 18/6 from seed, and my plant did great in those 6 hours of darkness.


Active Member
multiple people have discussed this and plants actually grow bigger and yield more when given a dark period. i went 18/6 from seed, and my plant did great in those 6 hours of darkness.
Nope. Totally wrong. The evidence supports the contrary.

Most green plants are classified as either C3 or C4 which represents how carbon(C) is used during photosynthesis.

C4 plants temporarily store carbon dioxide(CO2) over the dark period to use for photosynthesis during the day. C4 plants slow down photosynthesis once the stored CO2 is used up and they need to gather it from the air. Which is why trees slow down photosynthesis in the afternoon even though the sun is still bright. This does NOT apply to cannabis.

C3 plants(cannabis/veggies) gather CO2 only during the light period when they are photosynthesizing. During the dark period these plants only use oxygen for their metabolic life processes. They don't uptake CO2, nor do they use it. As soon and as long as the light is on, C3 plants gather and use CO2 for photosynthesis.

C3 plants also have the ability to use higher concentrations of CO2 than what is found in the air. If the light is bright enough and the plants have sufficient nutes, their growth rate will accelerate from it(2000ppm vs. 400ppm of CO2), which increases yield. They can do this continuously, without a dark period throughout the vegetative stage.

The dark reaction is a process of photosynthesis that takes place in both darkness and light. It uses ATP and NADPH molecules that hold energy absorbed from light to break apart CO2 into it's base components. Because it's called a dark reaction and can occur in the dark, some people have said darkness is needed for this to occur. This Is Not So.

Again people get a little obsessed with their plants needs & think of them the same as humans. People need rest, so plants must too. This is false as well. Light means growth. Scientifically. Although 18/6 will 'shock' your plants less when you switch to 12/12, it's a personal choice whether you would rather sacrifice a little growth for a quicker adjustment or less photo confusion. If you want to save money or energy that's a personal choice too. Do what you need to do to make your growing situation work.


Don't worry about the dark cycle during veg/seedling stage. As long as they get 12-24 hours of light per day they'll be fine. If you want you can have a dark period every few days. I turn my light off in my veg room when I remember. It's usually on 24/7.


Well-Known Member
24 hours for the first week,then 20/4 or 18/6 after that.the dark period is important.the plants do some important things during the dark period.
this is the reason why plants tend to look more vibrant if they have some dark time.but you can get away with 24/0 throughout the whole of veg.


Active Member
24 hours for the first week,then 20/4 or 18/6 after that.the dark period is important.the plants do some important things during the dark period.
this is the reason why plants tend to look more vibrant if they have some dark time.but you can get away with 24/0 throughout the whole of veg.
Everything that happens in the dark (in C3 plants like cannabis) happens during the light as well. Since they only take up carbon (CO2) while there is light, they will have more growth with 24/7 light.

I dont know why the myth of cannabis needing a dark phase is perpetuated so much on this site, but trust me, as a biologist, the science just does not support it.


Well-Known Member
True that Dogg !!!!! Growing is a personal thing. I know a guy who SWEARS that his 21:45 light/2:15 dark schedule produces a better and bigger bud......whatever.........


Well-Known Member
I've tried both and the only difference I've found is that my plants get tighter inter node spacing on 24/0 than on 18/6.


Nope. Totally wrong. The evidence supports the contrary.
interesting, though I never claimed the way I was doing it was right. People have done 18/6 vs. 24/0 grows and shown results where the 18/6 has done better. I'm not saying you or the evidence is wrong, just that in a practical application people seem to dispute the evidence somewhat.


Active Member
interesting, though I never claimed the way I was doing it was right. People have done 18/6 vs. 24/0 grows and shown results where the 18/6 has done better. I'm not saying you or the evidence is wrong, just that in a practical application people seem to dispute the evidence somewhat.
My apologies if I came off as aggro. Not my intention.

However, that kind of evidence is called anecdotal evidence. You should not base your grows off of anything that is anecdotal. The scientific method is far superior, and they are thousands of hours of trial work that has shined light on this question time and time again.

Growing plants is a science. Use it to your advantage and you will be so very grateful....and stoned.


Active Member
I use 24. Just plug it in and jack up the electrical bill you know you can afford it. If you complain about power cost this isnt your game. Unless your a large scale grower with more than 500 lights



Well-Known Member
I think it’s important for seedlings to have a dark period especially if your pushing them hard light wise ☮


Well-Known Member
Hey I also would like to know this, I have 6 day old seedlings. I am still working out the kinks on my grow box but am still wondering when to switch to 18/6.
In DWC I would do 18/6 from the beginning to keep water temp down. 24H is otherwise fine. I personally get better structure with 18/6 (better internodal length) but this is also very strain dependent and also down to personal preference.