Do plants need DIRECT sunlight?


ok so the other day i transplanted my plant to a spot in my backyard where it cannot be seen. but the problem is, there is a big tree a couple feet away where the branches (leaves and stuff) are blocking sunlight. now there is green bushes and vegetation back there, so i assumed there would be enough light. but my plant seems to be in the shade alot and i'm worried she is going to die if she doesn't get direct sunlight. also, noticed the soil was still pretty wet from the day before when i watered her. does she need direct sunlight? if so, this will be the 3rd time i will have to trasnplant her and i'm afraid the shock of me digging her up again will kill her. now it's been in this spot for about 3 days...what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they will survive in shaded areas but you won't see much production.

And the plant will be stretchy and have fluffy/ crap buds.