DO NOT toss your seeds in the sink!


Well-Known Member
^^^It is a bad thing to try to introduce and alien species into a non native environment. Just look at what the burmese rock python is doing in Florida and what the cane toad is doing in Australia. I know those are animals but it is a good example of what releasing non native species can do to an area. Keep the plants in a controlled area not only to not release them but to ensure top quality.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the south west used to have enough oak trees that a squirrel was said to be able to make it from the west coast to the east cost without touching the ground , a cedar tree was introduced and it spread taking all the available ground water , good by oak trees.............yet i overgrow every chance i get its a weed lets give it a chance

Unlimited One

Active Member
It is fighting for survival! That will be a strong plant, give it a chance, if its gone that far, maybe its a sign you should keep it!


Active Member
lol definitely one of the best feel good stories of the year.



stay hi


Well-Known Member
Holy crap I posted this last night and haven't checked it...25 comments already, that's awesome! I was seriously considering throwing up some cfl's over the sink and letting that baby go to town. If I would have known I would get such a response I would have kept it going for as long as possible, but sadly I destroyed it shortly after snapping a pic. Don't think the wifey was too keen on plants growing in the sinks around the house!


Active Member
should have disconnected the pipe, and you could have probably pulled it free, from under the sink.
then maybe could have transplanted it.