Do newly planted seeds need light?


New Member
My seeds Germinated and i planted them in soil not thinking well i planted them a night so do newly planted seeds need light? And if so will it survive over night?


Well-Known Member
They need light once they sprout above the ground, even if they sprouted at night they would be ok until the next morning. The longer they go without proper light once they are above ground the more likely they are to stretch.


Active Member
Stretching is a sign that your plants are not getting enough light. If your plants grow in with too much spacing between the nodes, it leads to tall, weak plants with airy buds, and stunted growth from lack of sufficient light. If you end up with this problem, try to move your lights closer to your plants, careful not to scorch them. If they still stretch, you'll need stronger lights.

What kind of light system(s) do you plan to use?


New Member
I have a simple 13w Cfl but the plants gonna go outdoors me and couple of buddies have a perfect spot to plant but i want to keep a close eye on it in the begining stages (because its my first grow) so im going to keep it in my back yard an in the event it dont sprout with sun(within a week) ill bring it in and use the cfl


Active Member
Ah then you won't have to worry about stretching, as long as there's enough light penetration at your spot.


Well-Known Member
Although the seed doesn't need the light many use 24hr light to also keep the temp stable and high enough.


New Member
Ya the spot is perfect trees and shrubs all around it and in the middle the sun beams directly down nothing blocking it so i should be ok when i put it out there


New Member
Sativied Do u think i should put it under the light then? Like will it benifit if greatly? Its gonna be a pain to hook up the lights now cause i planned on just putting it outside tommarow but if it needs it or will greatly help it i can.
so do you think it would help the plants chances of survival greatly? Or will i be fine without doing it