Do my plants look ok


Well-Known Member
Like hum said, over watered. Notice how they droop down like they are depressed. That is a sign of overwatering. How often do you water?


Active Member
okay several things that i see your doing different and i wanna help make some suggestion (improvement).. the 2 plant that are in the front are tooo FAR away from the light. your going to stretch it. a very stretch plant do not yield much bud IMHO.

2nd is that the one in the front right looks overwater just like humboldt14 said.

3rd i could tell u fed the babe in the far back left a lil too much N. u probably realize that but just in case u didnt no more food. straight water until next week

wut kind of soil are you using?

and can u add a few more CFL in there? once they get bigger ur gooing to need more than that for all 4 of these babes


SDC10267.jpgSDC10265.jpgSDC10266.jpgSDC10268.jpgthanks all u i will get these babeis right allso i will be getting more lights in there no bulbs should i say cos iv enough n lights in lol wil water them no nu in for another week


Active Member
Yeah the early pictures looked like they weren't doing so well, but in that very last picture you posted they look like there healing and on there way back.