Do i still need nutrients growing with soil?


Well-Known Member
depends on your soil and how tall you want your plants to grow. however, i'd have to say nutes will help produce bigger buds when properly used in the flowering stage (higher Phosphorus content)


Active Member
Throw the Miracle grow in the trash, it's Crack for plants. Go buy Earth Juice. If you can afford MiracleGrow (pricey in it's own right) you can spring for organics. Potting soils only contain enough nutrient for a month or so then it starts starving. So YES please DO feed your plants. If you study up a bit you can make some of your own nutrient mixes from scratch....extra cheap! Otherwise buy a quart of Earth Juice 'Grow' & a quart of Earth Juice 'Bloom' and use accordingly. Happy gardening! GrowIT!


Well-Known Member
Yep, you will eventually. MG soil has quite a bit of nutes in it, but will be depleted after the plant gets bigger. The bigger the pot, the longer the nutes will last, so hard to give an exact number.


Well-Known Member
Yep, still gotta feed 'em. Try googleing Jack's Classic nutes - I use the All Purpose for vegging, along with the Blossom Booster for flowering. They are pretty cheap compared to the more popular nutes, last a long time, as well.